Not your Earth anymore.

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"You must save the land you are going to, Be careful."

Laying on the ground, Toby was in an unfamiliar land and had heard a strange voice. The sky was gray and the trees choked by a red alien fungus. The air was dry, deprived of moisture. Traveling he found himself on a road like one he had not seen before, there were no magnetic roads, they were flat with yellow lines painted along the black path that seemed to go on forever.

Walking along the highway he eventually came up to a 20 foot fence with Giant lights facing towards him. The buildings were covered in graffiti. The guards in the sniper towers yelled" are you a citizen of the R.E.U! You can't go into the concentration camp if you aren't registered! Realizing Toby was a rust child because of his mutated appearance, he then explained: "Once you go in you can't come out." Toby made it clear: "I want in." The officer was shocked at this and tried to reason with him, but Toby still wanted to see what laid behind the wall. Once inside he was put to work non stop for three weeks alongside red bloods( this is what they called humans from that dimension )

He figured out that the human race was being  forced to Trans-species and that those who declined to reject humanity were sent to the camps until they decided to register for a Trans-species surgery operation.

One day the mayor of the camp got a letter from the capital in Antarctica saying: 'your town has been found guilty of murders and thievory. If you do not find the murders and the theives we will double the work load on your people. Please know that this behavior will not be tolerated"

Grieved, the mayor of that town went to his people and told them this news saying: "if the murderers and the thieves which I have been told that there is 10 of, do not show themselves, the work will be doubled and  10 random people will be forced to leave this camp and left to survive in the heat of the Wasteland if such a thing is possible... That is all I have to say. I have tolerated constant riots and protest from you people but I never thought my town would be capable of this. I have to say I'm very disappointed"

But the citizens started to panic along with Toby because no one was found who had done such things. But this did not change what was said in the letter. They had to find someone guilty of the crimes otherwise the whole town would have their burdens doubled and 10 others would be left alone in the Wastelands outside of the wall. To the Mayor's surprise people who were innocent began to volunteer to be chosen as guilty. Toby also volunteered, he had the ability to respawn so he was not scared of death. But then to their surprise they got a second letter from the capital of Antarctica saying: "the letter which you have received before was meant to go to camp 204 not camp 309 which is yours. Sorry for the confusion and as always keep up the work."

Later on while in his room Toby was pulled aside by a mysterious figure. The figure then revealed himself to be Pyro who was Toby's nephew. Taking off a blue and gold cloak he whispered: "You need to come with me." Toby, confused , asked what was wrong. Pyro then explained: your whole camp almost got erased from existence. Confused Toby whispered:  "what do you mean? the punishment was only said to be a doubled workload?" Pyro then scoffed: that's what they want you to believe they, were about to execute the whole camp. I don't have time to explain but you have to come with me."

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