Introduction to Earth

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Pyro took Toby to a secret door in the town wall, where they escaped the town's security. They became close friends from then on. He then took him back to the Nocom safehouse where he met Pyros parents who happened to be his sister who's name was Chess. Chess now said to him: " Well I'm glad you met our son already, though I wish it was under different circumstances. This is my husband Archie and I am Chess. We have a second adopted son named Filo but he's back at Dimension Zero. Guess you could say he's taking care of things back home. allow us to show you around."

But Toby took his sister chess aside and said: "look I'm your brother." Chess confused replied: "But I saw you as a child after we survived the Fairville bombing, and your hair was blond, your eyes blue. How is this possible, you have violet eyes, and black hair? Why did you change your name to Toby?" He then explained further: " I changed my name because I don't want to be associated with my father Jim who left us." Chess now left the shed disappointed and took him into their safe house.

So going into an old desert house they entered a huge basement filled with humans and Jettas who were working together side by side. Chess then said:" I've been working since you've left. We've lived underground building weapons. We're preparing to attack the R.E.U who have stained the Rust child name. Before the Nocom program was invented we had no eyes on the world outside. Humans stayed hidden as they watched their homes get destroyed and burned. The R.E.U made way for new cities to be built on top of the ruins of human society. I guess you could say we were like rats living in the walls but thanks to no calm we now know when and where the Rust Earth Union will be, which is how we've been able to stay hidden all this time."

"We are few right now but we're hoping to do this all across the globe. Our goal is to help the children of Earth do what Rust children do best, building underground cities to live in while the world above kills itself... again." Toby, still confused, asked how the Rust empire got to the fifth dimension, to Which another red haired woman joined in to explain: "This may be hard to take in but, your world was an experiment called computer 8... Kids in our world were dying of diseases, but they made sure to preserve the human brain and all in each child. Most of you were uploaded to another dimension, it was supposed to be a paradise but the governments saw the opportunity to turn it into a military training program.

They turned it into a war zone. every time a person died it would respawn them wiping all their memories, but keeping their reflexes. Some, the immortals failed to be mind wiped after death. We did not expect such quick technological advancements to happen in such a short period of time. But before the government could make use of computer 8, the bubonic plague killed off 60% of the world population. If that wasn't bad enough, the plague caused a great economic depression.

The world had forgotten what it had done to you for 45 years. That was until you somehow found a way to come back to our world, cross dimensional teleportation was our guess of how it was possible. your soldiers trained from thousands of years of fighting were unleashed. And our dying planet was no match. Since then the 30% of what's left of humanity has been enslaved by the R.E.U working in concentration camps, Nocom is all humanities got.

We are the few who escaped. My name's Sara by the way, I'm Pyro's real mom, from before he was uploaded. They didn't tell me that they took him. they just told me that he was diseased. Then I saw him while I was in one of the camps. the way he fought, the look inside my child's eyes, I could tell he had been broken from the inside out because of that machine. He's one of the few kids who actually searched for his parents after the uploading. I got to say it was pretty crazy seeing my child who I was told was dead at birth only a couple months ago, and now I'm not even sure if he remembers what it means to be human. I wish I could have been there for him... to help him get through, I fear he's too far gone"

Toby, feeling like a ghost, went to look for Pyro and ask if it was true that this world was their original home. And finding him sitting alone in his bedroom, he was looking at a gemstone. Toby asked him to explain further so Piro said: " my blood mom is a nice person but don't believe everything she says. All I'll tell you is that I'm lucky I only lived there for 16 years. How long were you there, 2000 years? Must have been hard."

Toby angered then cleaned his electric nail bat, and his sawed off shotgun. Chess asked what he was doing. Toby told her: "I'm going to search for The Men who trapped Us in that simulation computer 8" chess then told him: "violence isn't the way. We've survived all this time by keeping quiet." Now Pyro also heard of what Toby was going to do and joined along with him gathering soldiers to accompany them. and they parted from the rebel camp.

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