To be human.

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Toby was left alone as he dropped off Archie with his wife. As he watched Archie embrace his wife, it brought him warmth but also loneliness. He wanted a friend... someone he could trust. So he took a walk and began talking to an old teddy bear in an alley: "Do you know what the hardest part of being alone is? Feeling like I wasn't there for my father? The thought of my only friend lost to the cuckoo house? No... it's Knowing that I betrayed the only other friend who really cared for me. It's safe to say I won't see them for a long time. Their name is something I hope to never say again . In a way they hurt me, but my mistake was I wasn't willing to forgive. What am I doing? talking to a stuffed animal?"

Pyro then approached Toby having Heard what he had said. Pyro told him: I'm sorry, I understand what you're scared of now. I'm haunted by thoughts of what happened. All I've been thinking of is what could have been... what could have been if I didn't explode and take matters into my own hands. I don't expect forgiveness, so I guess this is goodbye." Toby then hugged Pyro and said: "I forgive you, we all fight demons, you just have to make sure you get back up" pyro then gave Toby his number and said:" I'm going to protect Wilson. He's a good man, he doesn't deserve to die... if you ever need me call this number" flipping the paper he saw coordinates to an unown location and asked where it went. Pyro then explained: "Its to someone important to the R.E.U the next scientist they are going to hire  if they succeed in removing Wilson. He's trapped at this location." Before Toby started to go to the coordinates Pyro warned him: "The revolution is near, and it won't be pretty, the Rust Earth Union is getting really good at making people angry.

Now after traveling for a week to leave Antarctica Toby was led to an old underground laboratory in the ruins of New York Which was now a frozen wasteland. There he found a man named Stitch, the adoptive father of Archie. Toby then asked: "are you the scientist they are going to hire in place of Wilson?" The man looked thankful and grieved: did you come to rescue me? I'm sorry but if you came to put an end to my research I'm afraid you're too late, you see science is a beautiful thing. I remember the giant underground laboratorys I was in awe of as a kid back in Dimension Zero, but... this, this is not what I wanted science to be remembered for. I've made the cure to humanity, yup no more humans... and the new elixir is being produced as we speak." After hearing this Toby rushed to Antarctica to get his friends and family out of the city, but he was far to late

Back in Antarctica, everyone was eagerly waiting for the new elixir to be released. So as soon as the white vans started distribution of the new elixir, "Permanence".everyone formed a hord around the vehicles begging for some of the new miracle drug so they could be healed from their sicknesses. Chess and Archie, who knew what was happening, watched from their window and said:" I didn't expect the extinction of the human race to be accepted with such joyful cries." That night was filled with screaming and hollering as people noticed that they had morphed to there Jetta form but we're not changing back to a human again, and if it couldn't be worse, those who depended on the elixir for it's healing abilities were frightened to see that they were still missing limbs and legs, others were still deaf or mute, fighting mental, and physical illnesses that they expected the drug to fix forever. Some even died from lack of the treatment.

People now unstable began to riot throughout the city demanding for the old drug to be put back in production. In a display of power, the mayor of the city let them riot against the police. This went on for days. Eventually the entire city got tired out from rioting, finding that they were unsuccessful in trying to escape the city. The police then mocked The civilians because of how underpowered they were against the advanced security of the R.E.U. The Nocom Japan rebellion saw this and decided to attack hoping that the combined forces of the rust earth citizens and the Nocom rebellion could overtake the city. Japanese Bomber blimps floated over the city declaring aloud: "Let the Rust Earth Union fall, let its head come off and let its body be consumed by the fire!"
"When a bomb would drop it would open letting out 1,000 bats with bombs attached to them. A bat would land in a building and blow-up in a 30 foot radius. And there were 20 bat bombs in each of the 20 blimps." - extra details

As the civilians saw the blimps in the distance the whole city became re-energized and began to riot again, for someone had come to save them. But before the blimps could make landfall the R.E.U released biologically enhanced pterodactyls which spit out fire like a dragon and burned up the blimps causing them to fall into the ocean. After blowing-up, the ocean side became red with fire as the blimps burned and sunk into the sea. The city then lost heart and no other rebellion rose up like that one again. After this success the mayor of the city threw a huge celebration. It was time to show what permanence was all about. With the flick of a switch the miracle elixir became a mind controlling substance. Everyday civilians begin acting like ants and the nameless leaders of the R.E.U where the queen.

Toby was now back from his journey. Citizens marched the streets like soldiers and giant banners lined the city, not to mention the city was much bigger than it was before. The people actually started chasing Toby when they saw he wasn't marching with them. Once they caught him they started trying to force the elixir in his mouth. As soon as it went down his throat everything went black, He felt peace... all his bad memories no longer plagued him. And a voice told him to join the crowd in marching, so he did.

To be continued...

The Rust Earth Union Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon