Fall of the Tallest Tower.

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Moving to Antarctica with Toby proved to be a benefit for Pyro's goals, for the capital of the R.E.U was located in this city, so here he could gather Intel for his new nocom sect.

About this time a dark event had occurred. people in the concentration camps around America were disappearing and being taken to the ruins of Las Vegas to be experimented on, for the creation of an elixir... "transmorph." After its successful creation, the 190,431 test subjects who remained were removed.

Humans were now allowed to move to the city in Antarctica known as Moonlight kingdom, but were not told that an effective dose of Transmorph was put in the food production of the city. Reports started flooding the news that people who once had lost limbs had gained them back and people who were insane were now healed but they were no longer human. By the end of the day everyone returned back to their original state.  Civilians now begin flooding the streets begging the R.E.U to give them this new elixir...  And they received.

The 4 months had given enough time for piro's  Nocom sect to make a deal with survivors in Japan, Creating the Nocom Japan alliance. Originally focused on hacking, the Nocom were now focused on the black market. This is how they supplied first aid and weapons to the growing rebellion. As this is where the R.E.U stored their weapons and supplies

Toby and Pyro sat in a room, the flickering red neon outside lit up the side of Tobys face. It looked as if the freedom humanity once enjoyed had been forever forgotten, at least for those still stuck in the work camps for the rest of their lives. Pyro looking at Toby reassured him: " I'm going to fix this... don't worry." But then Toby got a text from an unknown number, saying "go outside." So he and Pyro went outside and were welcomed into a hover limo Which took them past the city lights to a Dark castle on the cliff side. a man made of Smoke wearing a suit welcomed him in. Pulling Toby aside he made pyro wait for him outside. He then introduced himself and explained his reason for bringing them there: " your father has retired from his kingship, he wanted me to give his inheritance to you. This Castle was his along with his kingdom back in dimension zero. Just to be clear, your kingdom spans from New Mexico, Florida, all the way to New Jersey. Your sister said she did not want to have any of your father's share other than New Jersey and Delaware. But Toby said "I'm not worthy to be a king, perhaps Filo would be interested, I've seen the way he cared for Florida."so the entirety of rust except for Delaware and New Jersey were given to king Filo.

Pyro on the other hand received news that his beloved wife, Ivory had died of mysterious causes while vacationing in Parade city. After this He was not willing to talk to anyone. So he took the wings that Toby had given him and disappeared, sometimes days at a time. Silently he sat on a skyscraper ledge to watch the hover cars go on below him. A skyscraper across from him was still playing the news about the legendary king Jim who was now retired. Pyro saw Toby flying and called out:" please sit with me you've always been a true friend so please listen to what I have to say" Toby, not wanting to speak with anyone, told him to go away. Toby had gotten tired of hearing pyro's cries and wanted rest.

Perhaps if Toby noticed the pain and grief in Pyro's eyes he would have reconsidered and listened to him. He had asked others to stay with him, Archie was busy, chess was also busy planning Nocom resource management. And his last straw, Toby had also left Piro to fester in his emotions. But suddenly he felt celerity, a peace that comes from accepting a disapproved mental state as he decided to listen to the voices in his head. Taking the first train he could find. Pyro was in a rush to get to the center of the city where the tallest tower was. A throne that leaders had made for themselves in order to make the people fear their power.

The voices in his head repeated. "No more will the people fear them, the ones who have enslaved us. Get on with it. let it stop." When he got in the train everyone else was scared to go in with him it was clear that he was in the wrong. He kept talking to himself and to people that weren't there. Even being affectionate with them.  When he got off the train there was in front of him the Tallest Tower home of the evilest minds. There he threatened to destroy it.

The people of the city then grabbed him and took him to the police. The police ordered him to be burned for threatening the nameless rulers of the R.E.U so they chained him to a wooden pole, pouring gasoline around him, piling wood around him and then lit Pyro on fire. But Pyro started to laugh as the fire rose up. He started to scream an inhuman scream: "This feels good!! So long I've waited to feel these flames surround me!" Suddenly the fire blasted an extremely bright glow and everyone grew fearful. Pyro then rose from the fire with a glowing fire raging out from his eyes and destroyed the tallest tower. as the tower fell to the ground, so did the powerful people in it, and so that day was called "The Fall of Giants".


"Pyro at a young age consumed a fire flower. This flower gives its devourer the power to fly, create extreme temperatures, and also makes one immortal. Because Pyro was exposed to heat it reawakened these powers. The fire flower is also known to make one lose their conscience"- extra details


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