Blood against blood is it?

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But a man watching from afar on his rooftop saw  Pyro floating while on fire. He watched as Pyro's manic laughter turned into depressive crying. This man's name was Wilson and he was a man of power, the man who supplied the city with Transmorph. Toby also watched from his place of isolation as Pyro continued to destroy the city throughout the night. Which is when he went down stairs to tell his sister chess. His sister was crying so he tried to comfort her but she told him: "I'm not crying because of what my son has done, I'm crying because someone just broke into the house and Kidnapped my husband! Why is this happening to us?!"

Now Archie, who was kidnapped, awakened to a familiar face. " You remember me right? I spared you as a child when the Gust ordered for your extermination, only to learn that your future son would rain fire on the ones who liberated us... blood against blood is it? Jim, your father in law, helped build this empire in one day and your son took it down in just a day, ironic." The man now revealed himself: "Your wife must be looking for you by now. My name is Wilson. By the way you may realize you can't shapeshift. That's because I gave you a taste of my latest creation... I call it permanence, the last step in human mutation. I guess you could say it's similar to that... what do you call it again? Aha yes that Transmorph elixir everyone is drinking these days. You know your DNA is the final ingredient for its recipe. And if your DNA doesn't work then I'm sure you sons will... Please understand I don't hate you... the nameless gave me no choice."

Wilson now started drawing blood and studying it. Some time later he dropped a vial tray while looking at the results and then back at Archie: "your... DNA? It's... not like anything I've seen before. This changes everything! you Archie have just gifted the DNA of one of the most powerful races to all of humanity. You should smile! He then took the duck tape off of Archie's mouth and excitedly exclaimed: "say something! You are about to start a Genetic revolution!

Toby was still looking for Archie but to no success. He sat in a Japanese restaurant which was used as a safe house for the Nocom Rebellion. With no clues to where Archie had been taken. A man then sat down at his table. Toby recognized him as Pyro wearing his wife's blue and gold cloak Which he made for her before she died. Angry at what he did Toby asked: why did you do it? Your dad... he's been kidnapped. You know this is your doing right? Did you get angry? I'm so confused on how my best friend would do something like this? Pyro tearing up then told him: "I don't know... I don't know what is going on, I blacked out and woke up at my apartment looking at pictures of Ivory. What did I do? I don't remember." Toby realized now that Pyro was not in the right mind, as he started talking to an empty chair beside him. Pyro, concerned, then asked Toby again: "What did I do?" Toby wouldn't tell him though and continued to ask for Pyro to open his heart to him. So pyro told him: "I didn't attack the Tallest Tower if that's what you think I did. You did it, don't you remember? I took the blame to save you from the police." Toby knew this was part of pyro's delusion. Becoming fearful of him and his unstableness, he excused himself from the table leaving the restaurant.

Toby then left the restaurant but pyro kept secretly following him. Then a voice spoke to Toby saying: "go to abverint street." So he went to abverint  . Then she told him: "Now enter the apartment complex and go to room 88." Toby asked: "Who is this?" But she told him: "if you tell him about me pyro will go down an even darker path then the one he is already on." He now entered the room and saw a man. Wilson, who welcomed him, took him to the room where Archie was sitting down enjoying soup. He then told Toby: " you can have him back, Archie's DNA is too aggressive... it wreaked havoc on all the mice I tested it on." Confused, he asked Wilson why he was doing this. So he opened up to Toby saying: " The men I work for are cruel. You've seen the things that the Rust Earth Union does in public, human experimentation, genocide, slavery, black markets, and so much more, now imagine what they do secret... I know I am a dead man because I have failed them but I see no reason to add Archie to the heap of bodies, so take him, take him before it's too late.

At that moment of confession Piro walked in the room, swords in hand, fire coming out of his eyes. But after hearing that Wilson made sure to keep Archie alive as long as possible (despite an order for an early execution of him) he spared Wilson's life.

Before they left with Archie, Wilson warned them saying: " Don't trust Nocom, they're not what you think. your safest if you stay out of this war and keep your head down"

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