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Hello!! This is my third story.  Hope you like it! I had trouble finding the exact words for this haha. Nosebleed T_T By the way the word beneficial doesn't mean that this story has any sexual content.

jonaxx you are my inspiration in writing this story!

Our Beneficial Agreement: Prologue

The past will never be erased, now and then it will haunt us, in anyways possible.

Ever since I was a child I wanted to do a lot of things, fromminor to extreme. Now in my teenage years I've done a lot, weird, crazy and bizarre. Some even fit for a world record. I want to live my life to the fullest;I just want to experience everything.

And I mean everything.

Possible or impossible.

"It will be held after a month and a half, you both would be ready right?."

"Yes" we said in unison standing infront of them, firm and confident.

He agreed just for his parents to back off from his personal space and to gain his money.

Me? I agreed for mere experience.

When were done with each other, we can split.

We are both from the same school, our families know each other and a part of the person I'm beside with seems so familiar.

But anyways, we both approve of an agreement, an agreement beneficial to both our needs.

Our beneficial Agreement

And who knows what we will uncover before our wedding.

Our Beneficial Agreement(English-Tagalog)Where stories live. Discover now