Chapter 1: Hannie Cresselia

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(Unedited. If there are errors kindly tell me through a message or something please.) 

alyloony, Your story, Operation: Breaking The Casanova's Heart was the first ever wattpad story I ever read. I love it so much po and your stories along with it! <3 

"Wag kayong lalapit kung ayaw niyong masaktan itong mga bata!"

I flashed my eyes open when I heard the loud scream and searched where it came from.

Where am I? This place, this place seems so familiar..

I saw a crazed woman standing a few feet away from a cliff pointing a gun at a little boy and a little gir-

Is that me?

That's impossible...

The little girl looked exactly like me when I was seven.

"Linda stop! Wag mo idamay ang mga bata. For pete's sake they're just children. We have the money. Please stop!"

My dad was pleading and mom was crying. And behind them,two more were crying.

Seriously, what is this? What is happening?

I tried moving but my body won't budge as if I was paralyzed.


"Sabing wag kang gagalaw!"

Then everything paused, literally, like the ones in movies. Then my vision and appearance changed.

In mere seconds I turned into my little me!

"Mommy!"I shouted. What the?!

"Hannie!!"Bago pa man ako makareact tinulak na ako ni Linda.

I closed my eyes waiting for my end but I felt a warm hand grasping onto mine, gripping to save my life.

"Don't let go. I'll pull you up Han!" I opened my eyes and saw the little boy. I felt hope coming back. But to dismay hope slowly drained away as I saw the boy slowly leaning forward.



"Hannie? What happened?!" Mom barged in worried then hugged me. The warmth of her hug was comforting.

"L-linda, you, dad crying, a boy, cl-iff m-me, fa-falling," I said between sobs.

"Ssh, calm down baby. It-it was just a dream," Mom said while making soothing circles on my back. But her words were full of hesitation...

"M-mom it's the same nightmare.."

"It was just a nightmare Nie. To calm you down, let's go eat out today? You game?"

"Y-yea s-sure. 30 minutes." Mom gave me one last hug and went out my room.

A nightmare..A nightmare that has been reoccurring for almost a month.Maybe a coincidence? I brushed off the thought and headed to the bathroom.

After a 20 minute bath, I tied my hair into a ponytail and wore my white v-neckpaired with my midnight jeans, finished off with my high red cut converse.


"Here is your Chili Frappe with extra whip cream maam" I gave my thanks and took my order. We sat on our outdoor table with a grin plastered on my face. Weird no? But being doing weird and phenomenal things are fun. Kasi nga YOLO so I want to do everything na kakaiba mas nakaka excite ang buhay.

"Sure ka ba diyan? Pwede naman ako umorder ng normal na Frappe para sayo," dad asked in worry.

"Nah, I want this."

I took a bite of my cheesecake and drank my Frappe with gusto. As I finished I let out a small burp.

"How was it?" Mom asked in disgust.

"Splendid! They should put it up on the menu!"

After our light breakfast, mom and dad dropped me off at Black Studios.


"Goodmorning Mel!"

"Wow, here so early? Good timing! You have a visitor." That's my manager Mel Ho, she's like an older sister to me.

"Oh, who?"

"Madame Frezier" I stiffened. Hindi nga? Impossible!


"Oo nga! Now go. She's at the meeting hall, don't keep her waiting!"

This can't be! France's number one fashion magazine editor in chief is here, in the Philippines, to meet me?

As I stood outside the meeting hall I felt my hands tremble, I'm nervous! Breathe in breathe out!

Greetings were made and I sat beside Madame, she told me I was to choose 10 out of 100 gowns for her next fashion show. I don't know why though. It took us an hour and half to finish, why? All gowns were incredibly gorgeous! Each one had its own unique design and beauty. As we finished, Madame almost gave me a heart attack.

"One of these gowns you will wear in my fashion show next month. Yes?"

I was about to answer when Mel came in the hall smiling as if she too heard the news.

Madame Frezier bid her last fair well and left gracefully. I waited for the right moment.

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