Chapter I

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Ada was never much into Christianity, the entire thing unsettled her. It wasn't that she respect the concept, it just didn't fit right with her. Her mother Leanne was though, alongside her father Christopher rest his poor and wretched soul.

Ada was the kind of girl who you'd expect to find in a cafe most mornings sipping something hot like a Cappuccino and nibbling on pastries. She was into fiction and writing her own manuscripts, so when at the age of sixteen when she thought no better decided to run away. It wasn't simply cause she could write, but to escape Crockett mental abuse.

She didn't have much friends, no siblings and her fathers kicked his bucket twelve years ago so it left her mother and Ada. But Ada had no intentions of returning to Crockett after 19 years making her all of 29years old. Jeez, thinking about her age made Ada cringe.

So on the following Sunday morning, in the crisp London air she picked up her wallet and house keys as routined to go to the local café. Draping her thick black wooly scarf over her creamy olive neck and overthrowing a light brown trench coat that laid past her thighs.

Opening her door she felt her cellphone vibrate.
Unknown. Reluctantly Ada answered,
"If you're a telemarketer save it. I don't want anything to do with you people!" Ada warned, abruptly cut off.

"Hello, is this Ada Anderson?" The male voice called over the phone,
"Whose asking?" Ada responded feeling on edge,
"I'm calling for a Miss Ada Anderson in regards to her mother Leanne Anderson." The male clarified, clearing his voice. She hinted he felt slightly awkward but nevertheless continued,
"This is she." Ada answered,
"This is Sheriff Hassan of Crockett, calling in regards to your mother." The Sheriff announced,
"You said that, now what about her?" Ada impatiently asked,
"Well I am very sorry to announce that Leanne died we aren't too sure of how it happened, but the evidence suggests that it was an animal attack." Ada didn't respond, not immediately anyhow. She could feel the rhythmic beating of her heart pulsating blood to her organs. The cars outside and the inaudible words escaping the Sheriffs mouth.

"Miss Ada are you still there?" Hassan asked repeatedly,

"Sorry I kind of had a dizzy spell, not to worry. Anyway where were we?" Ada asked,
"Your mother Leanne, I am aware you are presiding in Manchester London, but I think you should also come home and gather up with you can." Hassan instructed,

"Of course. I'll leave tonight and maybe be there for the afternoon ferry tomorrow." Ada planned,
"Good I'll see you then." Hassan hung up after, Ada slipped her phone back into her pocket taking a few unsteady breathes before reaching for a case in her left coat pocket.

Alprazolam, the name being a mouthful. Ada popped two capsules into her mouth followed by her water bottle she kept on the drawer.

She retracted her steps from the front door pushing it to a close. "What we aren't getting breakfast anymore?" Called another voice from behind her, her housemate Julia.

"I think you should go without me. I think I should start packing." Ada relayed absentmindedly,
"What for? Where you going?" Her thick British accent coming through, Ada adopted a British accent as-well throughout trying to fit in with the crowd.

"Home." Ada admitted,

The rest of the day was spent packing, and then re-packing unaware of what was going on or what to take. "Wait so tell me again." Julia slumped down on her bed the coolness of the breeze drifting in,

"You know my mother Leanne."
"Not really, you've never really talked about where you were from." Julia affirmed,
"Yeah well my upcoming was a bit dysfunctional in the weirdest and emotionally distressful way. Anyway that's not the point, the point is I have to go home cause apparently my mother was mauled."
Julia jumped on her feet wrapping her arms around Ada who was quiet taken back by the gesture.

"I'm sorry, Ada." Julia sympathetically commented before pulling away, "I'll go make some drinks. Lighten the situation, very tragic."

"No alcohol I have a late flight !" Ada joked, she could joke. Julia knew better than to give her alcohol. as she watched her down the hall, Ada pulled out her phone dialing the airport.

"Hi I need a ticket to Virginia State immediately, the soonest you can get me."

"Of course Ma'am, I have one for tonight at 9 pm." That left Ada here five more hours to gather what she needed and leave. Ada accepted it and gave over some information thankfully with savings she was able to buy a business economy ticket.

"Hey, so I was thinking." Julia walked in cut off by Ada who sat down on her bed folding up more clothes.

After a debate that took twenty minutes, they decided to head to a nearby takeaway restaurant serving Indian food.

"Well since it is an International Flight I need to be there at least three hours prior, so that gives me two and a half. Roughly and hour an a bit." Julia huffed at her friends tedious plan.

"How bout I drive and we order some take out, and sit in the car park like we use too do." Ada chuckled,

"What with badly made joints and cheap booze?" Reminiscing over other work days,

"Hey, that was good stuff." Julia snapped pointing her finger.

The two got into Julia's car. A dark red KIA compliments to her fathers immersive and highly paying job. He was a lawyer.

Julia ordered the usual, Indian food. Handing over the food she immediately unwrapped her nana and dipped into into the curry.

It was 5.30 so the two sat gobbling down their food and talking, "you got everything?" Julia hummed anxiously,

"Yes, mother. I even brought two books. Don't worry I'll be back in a couple weeks, will you be in for the funeral?" Ada inquired placing away her container into a brown paper bag.

"Of course, moral support you know." Julia grabbed ahold of her friend hugging her one last time before pulling away. "Now if there is any hot guys there give them my number. Or don't." She winked,

"Trust me, I know everyone and their ain't a single worthy male there worth your time nor mine." Ada climbed out of the KIA grabbing her bags from the trunk and she rolled away.

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