Chapter V

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Prior to the two leaving the mainland, Ada picked up her mother it smelt funny, smelt nice, and sickly. As Leanne was encased in a pearly white wooden box with a cross embedded in silver on top, she was finely wrapped in a red silk fabric banded together like it was a gift, it almost made her cringe. Death is a gift?

In the eyes, of some she thought would consider it such. But then again Ada tried not to think of it much. If Father Paul heard her thinking she'd know what he'd say, "Psalm 34:18 "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." She'd chuckle thinking nothing much of it. In a way, he reminded her of Father John, but then she'd cringe and stop herself.
Ada placed her mother in a bag, it was white and silky, she saw a convenience store on the way to the evening ferry.

"You go on ahead, I just need to pick up something from the store," Ada told Riley,
"You probably could buy it when we're home." He was probably right, however,
"They probably don't sell it. " Liar.

She walked in a burden, a familiar feeling in her stomach. As she walked to the end of an aisle. The refrigerator section. Looking just made her insides tingle, her brain screaming at her telling her she was going to fuck up. She was a hypocrite, Riley was getting better, she was proud of him, Ada was proud. Is proud.

"Is that all?" The female attendant asked as she scanned the bottle of cinnamon-flavored whiskey if Juila could see her now. She'd probably slap her and never forgive her. And Ada wouldn't blame her,
"34.95." Ada threw some licorice as well on the countertop, so Riley wasn't suspicious.
Her hands nervous began to shake, Ada tossed a fifty on the counter and left stuffing the bottle into her other purse.

Climbing on the ferry, Riley smiled. "You made it in time, thank god. You were about to miss it." Ada grinned handing a red stick of licorice to Riley who gnawed at it. "Thanks."
Meanwhile, Ada felt ashamed and alone, and appalled. Enveloped in an overflowing coldness that was known as guilt.

Night came quickly upon Crockett that day, Ada went home alone with her mother in a box tied up in a white bag. She wanted to throw up, and the heaviness of her bag held a secret and a lie. What would her mother think, what would Monsignor Pruitt think? Ada giggled she'd probably hit me and tell me to go to the confessional, after catching me at my father's medicine cupboard. What a great big fucking lie. That's what she was.

It was seven at night when she reached home from a slow walk. After trying to convince Riley to leave and all was well, he wasn't convinced. She felt as though he knew something. But she didn't really care after awhile, mulling over it.

The light illuminated the living room, across here not too far laid out nicely, the whiskey, her cellphone, and her mother's ashes. All those years at AA Julia made her attend about to fly out the window. What the fuck, Ada,

Ada didn't know what to think, but she remembered enjoying heavily the taste of cinnamon, especially in coffees and drinks that made her feel warm inside. Numb inside.
Ada picked the bottle up, staring at it. It was heavy in her hands, and she could feel the tears threatening to spill but she wiped them away and before she knew it she was untwisting the cap.
And the sound of clicking from the snapping of the bottle cap coming apart was so satisfying Ada didn't continue to think she drank from the bottle.

And she did not stop until she was about to pass out from the lack of oxygen.


So, here lies another chapter revealing a bit of our
female protag's past.
A big heavy burden, she supposes she is a hypocrite for lying to Riley Flynn, to her mother, and most of all to Father Paul. Though Ada cannot fully understand why though,
hopefully, it'll become clear to her soon.
Also the band Radiohead heavily inspired this character devolvement, Exit Music (For a Film)

Leave a comment, a vote, or feedback. I kind of massed produced a few chapters so excuse if there is grammatical errors,


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