Chapter VI

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Ada woke up. The light blinding her, she put her hand upon her face covering it as she groaned,
she was laying backside on the living room floor, empty whiskey, clothed strewn alongide what seemed to be pictures and journals.

"Lord, what have done." Ada cried to herself witness what was left of a blackout drunk.

She scanned for her cell, immediately groaning she crawled her way to it. Fuck. It was cracked, slightly off not totally breaking the phone but too right corner was cracked. She must of thrown it out of a fit. A drunken fit.

Ada stood up, with all her might and the corner of a wooden chair, walked towards the bathroom wear she ran the faucets pulling it up. Ada had no idea of what time it was, it was day for sure that much was evident.

The water splashed as she plonked herself inside, clothes still on she soaking wet couldn't care less.
She unlocked phone and played the first song on her list,

The Other Women, Lana Del Rey.

Ada rampaged through her toilet oaf finding her medication, alongside some aspirin she popped them pop in her month before plummeting into the water and allowing herself to become engulfed. Water seeped into her mouth, she swallowed.

The sound from her phone playing was muffled, straining voices in her ears.

It was dark, the only light was the street lights. And even then it was dim, Wade and Dolly Scarborough told Ada it was going to storm soon. As the waves of the beach clashed sounding like missiles against the shoreline.

She stood up facing the exit door, towards street. Ada loved rain, the noise and thunderous lighting tasering from the skies. The opened with one rough swing she placed down the whiskey bottle back of the floor sliding it back to the couch.

It spilt, Ada cursed. "I'll have to buy some more." She walked outside the rain pelting on her body, walking alongside the street pasted The Flynn household. "Ada?" Screamed a man she could hear, "Ada!" His voice calling out she turned to face him but her hair drenched and stuck like glue to her face.

"Ada, where are you?" It was Riley Flynn she knew his voice it sounded so far away, it slowly drowning out from the rain.

She made it to the store, it was closed. Ada grumbled and returned home, cutting through some trees and foliage tripping several times over rocks and stones.

"Shit!" Her phone slid from her pocket put hitting the pavement. She picked it up clueless of the damage. She stumbled through the front door, tripping over the Whiskey bottle. Knocking herself out.

Touching her forehead it was slight wounded, several scrapes and bruising on her knees and elbows. Resurfacing she caught a large breath,
After a few minutes she got out and undressed walking naked to her room.

Draping her hair in a towel, she pinned it up, out of the way. She dressed in a white rubbed shirt over a light pink dress that flowed down ending mid thigh.
She could still hear her phone playing,

Picking it up she stuck some ankle socks and some old white ankle conserves, tying her hair up messily into a ponytail. The pills kicking in, never mind the mess she had caused as she draped a light weighted cardigan over her shoulders hiding the cuts and bruises.

Outside it was muggy people lined on the shoreline,
"Poor kitties, whoever or whatever did this is a monster." She heard one of the locals speak,

"What?" Ada asked confused,
"Ada, what the hell." Riley Flynn ran to her, grabbing her by the shoulders he hugged her.
"What is going on?"
"Dead cats on the shoreline, but I saw you last night. You were walking somewhere I tried to stop you, what were you doing!" Riley argued anxious.

"What are you talking about?" Dead cats?
Erin Greene showed up beside her, she held her stomach, she's pregnant.

"Morning mass was cancelled. Meanwhile the sheriff has ordered tonnes of petrol. He thinks he should burn them, in case of a disease." Riley looked at her, "You should be here the cats, they can carry a disease, it'll affect the baby."
"Yeah, the cat shit, it's all a myth." Erin smirked. Erin gripped onto Adas elbow tugging her along for a walk but Ada whined at the stingy pain.

"Ada?" Erin asked, "Slept wrong last night I guess." Ada grinned, Riley suspicious. Didn't pry.
"Well, try and run some ointment of those joints them." Erin advised looking at Riley the two started talking. Ada backed away, walking in a straight line she found herself at Church.

She sat down in the back, her mind troubled after last night. It was the same spot her mother would sit in, a couple tears trickled, escaping from her eyes.

"I thought you didn't come?" The voice, the warmth that radiated from it. She knew it was Father Paul, quickly she dried her tears. Taking a deep breath.

"You want me to leave?" Ada asked looking at the man holding two mugs. She accepted it with thanks,
"Not at all, this is opened to everyone, as is the gates." Father Paul reminded,
"Father Paul, can I ask you something?" He nodded and Ada felt ashamed, sad and guilt ridden.

"Hypothetically speaking have you ever felt so much pain, all at once like a tidal wave that washed over you, drowning you." Ada asked,
"Well god gives us pain but he never gives us what we cannot endure." Father Paul advised he looked at Ada a shimmer of concern in his eyes,
"Do you seriously mean it when you say, the doors are always open as are the gates?"
"The book of Hebrew, Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
For someone who is seeking the doors as the gates will remain open." Father Paul shifted in his seat, her heart beating out of her chest. Fast and erratically,

"What are you asking, why are you really here?" Father Paul questioned,
Ada squeezed her hands and closed her eyes, and Father Paul looked at her, his eyes wide with anticipation.
"Nothing at all. I think I should go." Ada stood up, Father Paul still sat.

"Miracles happen, it's not often but sometimes when we allow ourselves to feel miracles can happen." Ada shamefully nodded walking out bumping past Bev Keane, Dolly and Wade.

Father Paul watched her leave and feeling in his gut that he shouldn't have, he wanted to tell her what he couldn't. What she wasn't allowed. But he only knew what she was withholding.

Father Paul

It was evident the distress seen within her eyes, her hair slightly wet and unkempt. Hugging herself, in the time she last saw him two days ago to now. It was a shift, completely new person habites her body, her mind.

Father Paul watched her leave. I watched.
But he couldn't reach out she was too far away, mental setbacks for each other he was sure.
He was a priest responsible for his congregation, Father Paul had an example to set. Though it contradicted his ethics when it came to Ada. A place of work and personal life.

He picked up his bible and begun to read,
"Father, are you alright?" Bev announced knocking on the door.

"Quiet alright Bev, just reading." Bev nodded,
"Alright, the people are speculating a mass work of the lord with what's happening on the beach others say a disease." Bev shut the door, walking forward to him.

"It's quiet alright Bev whatever happens. Let it happen. We can't toy with it." Father Paul professed,

"Understood father." Bev smiled nodding, she left him closing the door behind her.


Howdy! I'm going to start adding other peoples perspectives, such as Erin, Riley and Father Paul in future chapters

Thanks again for your support!

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