Chapter VIII

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It's been a three days. Today was Friday, no doubt people were already at morning mass. The house was dim, he eyes hung lowly with bags. She had a few glasses of red wine dropping by onto the mainland once since then.

An abrupt knock on the door caused her to jump onto her feet switching off the radio, slamming close her book, kicking a few cans of cold brew under the chair.

"Doctor Gunning, please come in." Ada welcomed,
"Sorry about the mess. I've just been wrapped up."
Sarah walked in, was cold and dim.

"Well, no worries."
"Please take a seat." She tossed her clothes that were piled up into a basket and placed it on the floor. "What brings you by?"

"Truth be told, this isn't a social visit." Sarah spoke shifting in her seat, looking around. "I heard you go down to see Father Paul a couple days ago."

Ada smirked, "Yeah quiet frankly Father Paul isn't your typical priest. Anyway what about it?"

"As a friend and a doctor all I am doing is checking up on you." Sarah sadly grinned, leaning forward,
Sarah knew what was going on but didn't wanna pry. The shaking hands, strange behaviour, hyper and depressed almost bipolar. Her nails bitten so far back, showing the anxiety. But Ada didn't look anxious. Far from it despite her display of lack of sleep and unkempt hair.

Last week when she first arrived she was immaculate, the talk of the town. Now she was a fucking mess. And whatever or whoever triggered it was something heavy, unbearable.

"What do you mean, I'm totally fine." Ada unconsciously chewed on her finger nails, looking at anything but Sarah, her leg tapping against the wooden floor.


Sarah looked unconvinced. "You sure? I won't tell anyone unless you want me to. Patient and Doctor confidentiality."

"The fact you keep insinuating something else is going on here, frankly irks me." Ada stood up. And the sudden agression probably showed that she felt threatened.

"I am just trying to help you. Riley and others have voiced their-." Ada stopped her before she continued,

"Riley Flynn? That boy has no right coming and intruding in my personal life. And others? Who else?"

"The point is, people are concerned." Sarah Gunning pointed out sympathetically.

"Who else? Sarah?" Ada snapped erratically.
"Riley mostly and Father Paul, Dolly and Wade. No
one seen you in days Adaline!" Sarah bit back,
Ada stopped looked down to her feet, and walked to the door quietly. "Get out."

"No, you don't get to do this. You don't get to act like a friend. This is the first time since I've been back. So I am asking nicely, leave and do not come back. Not for awhile at least."
Sarah left, not saying a word. Watching a tear slither down her check as she closed the door, Ada retreated to her bedroom down the hall well she laid in bed.

Ada felt the bed swallowing her whole, consuming her ever last thought, every last moment and whim. As though she just let the world exist around her, evolving, devolving and running out of time. As she was.

It had become night, as she wondered out of bed.
A run might be good. As she dressed in a pair of slim fit tights, a singlet and grey jersey. Slipping on headphones and tucking her phone into her jersey pocket.

She stepped outside, the air melting her. Pricking at her skin, goosebumps. The cats were gone, thank goodness or else it would've stunk. But she ran across the shoreline for about 5kms before heading up onto the street, passing through the general store,  the turn off to the bay and past the chapel where the light to Father Paul's cabin was on.

She stopped to look. Shaking her head, she wondered what he was up too. Continually jogging in the distance on a rowing boat was Warren Flynn, rowing through the uppards.

A park bench nearby on the sand reaching the end of the beach where rocks planted down the hill into the waters. Ada sat down, opening up herself she took in breathing, in and out.

Develop Positive Mental Habits
Make Amends, Live for today.

Ada watched the tide come in, waves clashed, banging like drums. Ada always thought she was existing, though suppose the death of her mother caused her to finally derail into a put a pit of self pity and alcohol. Truly unable to admit it, until Sarah Gunning came to her door.

Forgive yourself.

She thought  about her past, Ada during the years she lived on Crockett Island. Quiet the social bee during the time she lived here,

Flashback to middle school. Where she knew Sarah quiet well. Sarah brought her snacks for food, since she didn't receive enough lunch. The Anderson family wasn't rich, and were fortunate to even buy their home as Ada was born.

Erin Greene, Riley Flynn we're her best mates and still are. They knew Ada more than Julia and it was hard to make friends when you have to explain yourself and all the past trials.

"Here, my mom packed extra sandwiches today. Ham and egg." Sarah Gunnings mother, Mildred was so beautiful in her youthful age. Ada envied it, she imagined herself beautiful like that.
"Thanks." Ada took the two halves of a sandwich and nibbled on the alongside the carton of milk.

It was needless to say after Sarah left school, graduating. Her relationship slowly diminished into once a week visits to passing by on the street and a cool hello on the way to school. And when Ada left Crockett she missed her friends. The joy they brought but she couldn't grow on Crockett.

Back to reality, the sun slowly rose and Ada walked back home not realising she had spent longer than needed out. At home she began to think,  showering and dressing in long pair of navy blue jeans, tucked in a long beige sweater, she made herself some toast and coffee, before deciding she needed to go shopping for groceries.

Ada looked at the bank app, noting how much money she had. Not much at all, two hundred left.
Writing up a long list of food, to buy. Another knock on her door,

She opened it, it was Erin Greene. "Hi, Addy."
"Erin, I thought you'd be at mass by now."
"Not today, I made Mac and cheese. Can I come in?" Erin asked, Ada opened the door slowly allowing Erin to walk through.

It looked dim, smelt funny but not a sickly type. She walked into the kitchen placing down the max and cheese, "You want anything to drink?" Ada asked, turning on the kettle.

"Water, would be nice, or juice." Ada opened the refrigerator a bottle of raw apple juice half full as she poured some into two tall glasses.

"So how is it going? We've never really have a chance to catch up." Ada hummed handing over the juice,

"Healthy, Little Foot is like the size of a grapefruit now. How about you?" Erin smiled sipping her drink,

"I've been better." Erin had known Leanne well, as Christopher especially. Often Ada went to Erin's home to stay when Leanne and Christopher fought, something pathetic and useless. Ada didn't wanna hear it,

"Yeah, sorry. Stupid question, have you've been keeping yourself occupied?"
"Reading, and more reading. Lots of showers, and music." Ada giggled letting out a heavy sigh,
"How about coming to Mass tomorrow, maybe a good environment around you. You don't have to take part of you don't want too. Just come and sit with me, I could do with some company."  Ada didn't immediately respond, not too certain if she'd want to even be there.

"You don't have anything to lose, besides maybe it'll help prove some new perspectives." Erin hummed,

"If I come will you stop bugging me?" Ada negotiated, rinsing both glasses, she placed firmly her hands down on top the marble bench top.

"Yes!" Erin said immediately almost to eager, truth be told she too was worried by the things he's been hearing from Riley.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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