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"Hey Z!" I hugged him and he held me for a while before I let go"You look cute in that suit!"

"Thank you I have to go check on Mark really quick" I floated to the dressing room where he was putting on his suit still. I walked in and he was sitting on the window.

"Hey you okay?." I walked up to him and hugged him, he hugged me back tight like he needed the hug.

"I'm too scared to go out there. I made this dumb mistake of planning this non sense.."

"Babe you done planned it everything is perfect you can't back out now." He started to tear up and got down.
"Come on get dressed I promise everything is going be perfect."

He calmed down and needed to get some space"Listen I'll check up in 10 minutes if you don't come okay?."

"Okay" I kissed him and walked out.

I was making small talk with some of the people and even the guard he apologized but I already didn't care.

"Hey Alex wanna get some punch?"

"Sure" we talked for a little and he made jokes saying he had a crush on me and sad that someone got to me before him.

I pushed it off, the guards started to blow the horns calling Mark was ready to show himself.

But I did not expect to him come in a full dress..

My eyes widen and I completely dropped my glass"Jesus Christ.." I covered my mouth and blushed so hard.
He stood on the stage and sat down on the throne while the guard placed a crown on his head.

"I would like to thank the decorators for designing this beautiful ball for everyone of you to enjoy but I would like to thank someone else."

The guard tapped on my shoulder and pointed to go sit next to him. I walked up and sat down while they placed a crown on my head.

I turned to Mark and held his hand
"I would like to thank my fiancé Alex for being my top support and comfort through everything" he put his hand on my face and kissed me.

The room was full of cheering and clapping which made me careless on what was happening. We pulled away and smiled at each other.

I lifted him up and floated down with him in my arms, I looked over and Z wasn't looking happy at all. I put Mark down and held his hand as people talked to us.

Everyone was happy and was ready to already welcome our child. Mark got pushed away from me with everyone asking questions.

I floated over to Z and he give me the side eye"I wouldn't let a bunch of people push you away"

"Well you aren't a Prince so you wouldn't understand"

"Whatever..he's not all that"

"Dude shut up that's my fiancé your talking about."

"So? It's obvious he's nothing useful"

"Okay shut up please don't talk shit about someone you don't like because they got to my before you did I'm glad I didn't get with you because you seem you sound ruin everything!" I walked away before he yelled.

"YOU CHEATED ON HIM!" I froze immediately and so did everyone
"I what?!"


"Oh get a hold over yourself. You're just jealous of Mark" I ignored Z for the rest of the night and had fun.

"ALEX!" I laughed as Mark got scared when I lifted him up kissed him mid air.
He laughed and held me"Your such a idiot~"

The ball was amazing we took pictures. I was looking for Mark so I asked and no one knew but I told them to stay calm and he probably went to get something.

I went into the dressing room and he wasn't there so I kinda got worried but he could have only been in his room if not then I was going panic.

The door to his room was slightly opened open and he was there sitting down on the bed holding the dress.

I walked in and sat down next to him
"Hey you okay?."

"I told you..NOBODY FUCKING LISTENS!" He stood up and went outside looking up at the stars"What happened? Did something go wrong?"

"Z tried ruining everything! He kept trying to get under my skin by saying you didn't love me you and him made out."

"You didn't believe him right?." He didn't respond but moved a little back from me.

"Mark you can't be serious"


"Listen Mark. You have a child you can't be stressing for me, you AND that baby stop."

"I can't I have too much things and now I have HIM talking stuff into my head I can't." I hugged him and he hugged me tight.

"You can't be stressing over this Z isn't important to either of us maybe me kinda but he can't break what he have"


I wiped his tears and he wanted to leave it but we only at a few more minutes until the party.

We enjoyed ourselves until everyone left. The cleaners took care of everyone so Mark could rest.

I helped take off the dress and put in the laundry room. We got in bed and he kissed me, my leg between his.

We made out for a bit until he felt a little tired and held my hair"Goodnight love sorry about tonight."

"It's okay you made up for it"

We fell asleep little while after and I was so happy all night.

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