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^Robert Sheehan as Erin Henderson^

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

^Robert Sheehan as Erin Henderson^

Erin was never normal. If he was normal he was dead. He needed to be different. When others would zig, he would zag. He craved adventure, a lot of times dragging his younger brother Dustin along with him. Wether it was to sneak out and spray paint the water tower or sneak into the movie theater after hours, Dustin was always with him. Dustin was the brains and Erin was the brawn. Poor Ms. Henderson was in over her head.

Erin never really had many friends. Neither did Dustin aside from his DnD party. They had always been outcasts. As they grew older Dustin began to lean more heavily on his friends, and so did Erin. Nancy Wheeler and Barbara Holland were his saving graces. They saw him as a person, as a great friend, not just an outcast. They were sweet and considerate, complete goody two shoes compared to Erin much to his mothers enthusiasm. They kept the older boy in check, at least to the best of their ability.

The shrill beeping of an alarm woke Erin with a jolt. He groaned rolling over to slam his hand onto the alarm, the metal of his heavy rings clashing with with plastic. He rubbed his eyes before pulling himself up, running a hand through his curly hair as he blearily scanned his messy bedroom.

  The boy clamored out of bed, searching the floor for his jeans. He slipped the black pants on with ease as he searched for his belt. Once the belt was loosely fastened, barely doing anything, Erin grabbed a thick flesh colored bandage off of his night stand with a grimace. He stood staring at himself shirtless in the mirror, criticizing his frame. Breaking his stare the boy began to wrap the bandage tightly around his small chest. His mother had lectured him repeatedly about making the bandage too tight and bruising yet another rib but he couldn't care less. In a way it didn't feel affective unless he actually felt constricted.

  After securing the bandage he slipped on his favorite shirt. It was a baggy black shirt with 'The Clash' on it in their signature white and red lettering. He finished the outfit with a loose flannel and jean jacket. He typically loved wearing layers, feeling like it hid his frame well, but it was now the end of October so he also had a need to keep warm.

  Once he was ready he grabbed his backpack and trudged out of his bedroom. Dustin's door was still shut, and he was sure that he had overslept like always. He chuckled slightly as he dropped his bag onto the ground, pushing the door open quietly. Sure enough the younger boy was curled up in bed, snoring softly. Erin smirked before jumping up onto the bed, shaking the floor. "Up and at em Dusty bun!" He screamed as he spun around in the air, the jumping shaking the boy away making him yell.

  "I'm up! I'm up! Jesus Christ!" Dustin screamed rolling off the bed onto the floor. Erin halted, bursting out laughing. "Oh my god you busted your ass" he breathed dropping onto his knees in a fit of laughs.

Cry Baby (Steve Harrington x Male OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ