Danganronpa THH BUT: They have MHA quirks and Hero/villain names

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You can see these characters as either villains or heroes, but these don't necessarily have any point to them. I'll also make a few cons to the quirk, because why not? they can happen.                                                      Also, I'm sorry in advance that the hero names make little to no sense

Anyway, let's go

Makoto: Truth Bullet (Can make anybody tell the truth)                                                                        

 (Cons: Hand cramps)                                                                                                                                                         

Hero name: Buckshot


Kyoko: Glare. (She can freeze anyone for a certain amount of time with her glare or until she blinks)                                                                                                                                                                                

 (Cons: Eyebags and dry eyes)                                                                                                                                      

Hero name: Unknown (I couldnt think of any, sorry)


Byakuya: Brainwash (Shinso's quirk, but he just needs to make eye contact and snap his fingers. He can break the brainwash with another snap of his fingers)

(Cons: Headaches)

Hero Name: Progeny


Toko: Scissors (She can make her fingers/hands into sharp blades/scissors)

(Cons: sore arms/hand cramps)

Hero Name: Syo (I couldn't think of anything else I'm sorry :,D)


Aoi: Bubble cage (She can blow a bubble to capture a human, only she can pop it)

(Cons: breathing problems)

Hero name: Bubble Blower


Hiro: Future sight (He can see into the future, but he's only 30% right)

(Cons: Headaches)

Hero name: Eyesight


Sayaka: Song (As she sings, a person can either fall under her control or feel a certain, strong emotion, it all really depends on the song she sings)

(Cons: loss of voice)

Hero name: Siren


Leon: Pitcher (He can throw a ball at a high enough speed for it to catch fire)

(Cons: sore arms)

Hero name: Fireball


Chihiro: Hack (They can hack into anything and have an intense knowledge of coding)

(Cons: headaches)

Hero name: Emblem


Mondo: Dizziness (He can make anybody dizzy, sometimes dizzy enough for them to pass out)

(Cons: can sometimes become dizzy himself)

Hero name: Vertigo (Its another word for dizziness)


Ishimaru: Good intention (Everyone in a 5 mile radius suddenly has the urge to do good. However, they can still fight back the urge)

(Cons: body aches)

Hero name: Mr.Decency


Hifumi: 2D to 3D (Anything he draws that's not a person or an animal appears in front of him)

(cons: Hand cramps from drawing)

Hero name: 2D to 3D


Celeste: Manipulation (With the right words, people can believe or listen to her)

(Cons: migraines)

Hero name: Brain matter


Sakura: Strength (Self explanatory, she's super strong)

(Cons: feeling tired after using her quirk for long periods)

Hero name: Ox


Mukuro: Weapon (She can make any weapon, usually more comfortable making knives/blades. Like momo's quirk, but only for weapons)

(Cons: Stomach problems from lack of food and feeling tired)

Hero name: Iron Wolf


Junko: Unwanted Sight (If she makes eye contact with someone and snaps her fingers, she can give them unwanted visions that look real enough for them, or some traumatizing point of their past, to sometimes collapse)

(Cons: migraines)

Hero name: Despair Sight


Want me to post the rest of the games?

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