Danganronpa Goodbye Despair but they have random different talents/hobbies

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Same as last time, but with Goodbye Despair. I've got no reasons for any of these. Also, I'm sorry if I end up reusing stuff from the last one I made

Hajime- landscape sketching

Nagito- Gambling (His luck helps him win)

Chiaki- Ice skating

Imposter- any hobby of whoever he's impersonating

Teruteru- collecting random things

Mahiru- photo editing

Peko- historian

Ibuki- Astrology

Hiyoko- Sewing

Mikan- Origami

Nekomaru- Lego building

Gundam- Juggling

Akane- Bowling

Sonia- Archery

Kazuichi- Camping

Fuyuhiko- knife throwing

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