Danganronpa but it's what I think their worst fears are

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(Possible TW! please proceed with caution)

Hajime: Ophidiophobia (fear of snakes)

Nagito: Pteromerhanophobia (Fear of flying)

Chiaki: Autophobia (Fear of being alone)

Imposter: No clue what Imposter would be afraid of

Teruteru: Trypophobia (Fear of holes)

Mahiru: Not sure

Peko: Atychiphobia (Fear of failure)

Ibuki: Pediophobia (Fear of dolls)

Hiyoko: Apiphobia (Fear of bees/wasps)

Mikan: Megalophobia (Fear of large objects)

Nekomaru: Kasteriphobia (Fear of cockroaches)

Gundam: Vehophobia (Fear of driving)

Sonia: Claustrophobia (Fear of small spaces

Akane: Coulrophobia (Fear of clowns)

Kazuichi: Dentophobia (Fear of the dentists)

Fuyuhiko: No clue

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