Danganronpa Goodbye Despair but they have MHA quirks and Hero/Villain names

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Same as last time, but with Goodbye Despair

Again, I'm sorry if the hero/villain names make little to no sense (Also, the protag's quirks will all be roughly similar, so I'm sorry about that)

Hajime: Truth gas (He can release a gas from his hands that make anyone who breathes it tell the truth)

(Cons: feelings dizzy if he uses it for more than 3 minutes)

Hero Name: Truth Vapor

(Yes, I gave Hajime a quirk.)


Nagito: Luck (Basically, his luck)

(Cons: bad luck)

Hero Name: Hopeful Shamrock


Chiaki: Acrobatics (She has great reaction time and acrobatics, she can dodge practically everything)

(Cons: body aches)

Hero Name: Kickstart


Imposter: Genetic Copy (They can copy a person's genetics perfectly and copy their exact look and voice)

(Cons: one genetic thing will stay the same longer than anything else)

Hero name: Imposter (I couldn't think of anything else :,D)


Teruteru: Spices (He can release different cooking spices, it can be good for temporarily blinding people if it gets in the eyes)

(Cons: the spices usually get in his eyes as well)

Hero name: Mr.Chef


Mahiru: Camera eyes (She can zoom in on something and take a perfect picture of it with her mind. She has good memory)

(Cons: headaches)

Hero name: Zoom-in


Peko: Sword arms (She can make her arms into sword blades)

(Cons: sore arms)

Hero name: Dagger


Ibuki: Voice (She can scream and have her voice be heard for miles, deafening those it was targeted to for a short period of time, It's like Present Mike's quirk)

(Cons: loss of voice)

Hero name: Megaphone


Hiyoko: Weapon Fan (She can turn the fans she uses for her dances into weapons)

(Cons: she might cut herself using them)

Hero name: Razor fan


Mikan: Heal (She can heal any physical wound by touching the person with the wound)

(Cons: She can feel the exact pain the person is going through after she touches it)

Her name: First Aid


Nekomaru: Encouraged strength (The more encouragement he gets, the stronger he is. Same thing happens if he gives others encouragement, but both him and the receiver get stronger)

(Cons: loss of voice from yelling the encouragement)

Hero Name: Confident Knuckles


Gundam: Anivoice (He can control and talk to animals, Like Koda's quirk)

(Cons: Raspy voice)

Hero name: Zookeeper


Akane: Intake (She can eat anything. The stronger the substance is, the stronger she'll become)

(Cons: Stomach cramps)

Hero name: Steel Stomach


Sonia: Pause (with the right words, she can pause a person's movements)

(Cons: she can't move while she's using her quirk)

Hero Name: Delay


Kazuichi: Engine (Iida's quirk)

(Cons: leg cramps)

Hero name: Soda-pop


Fuyuhiko: Finger guns (his fingers can be non-fatal guns)

(Cons: Finger/hand cramps)

Hero name: I couldn't think of any, sorry  

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