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season four,

episode nine: the piggyback part two

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episode nine: the piggyback
part two

THE kids look around the house as quiet as possible, they even took their shoes off. He holds the lantern in front, turning around and seeing Erica, Lucas, and Max. "Found Vecna." He read the on the paper that Erica held up.

He follows them, standing in between Erica and Max. Max walks towards the buzzing light that sat down in the living room, her lantern started buzzing too.

Erica quickly writes in the note pad again, before showing it both to Lucas and Pi. "Phase one?" It wrote. Lucas, Pi, and Max all looked at each other before Pi nods.

Fah, Eddie, and Dustin work together to take down the fences and boards so they could board up the windows on the trailer. It was extremely fucking difficult to drill them in because of the metal but it managed.

They stood back, looking to see if the home looked good enough. "Not bad." Dustin says, proudly. "Not bad at all." Fah told them in Thai. Eddie and Dustin both looked at each other from the side, pretending they knew what he said.

"Now for the fun part."

They enter the trailer, Eddie stopping as he spots his electric guitar right in front of him. "It's like...she was destined for an alternate dimension." He tells them, admiring the instrument. "What do you say, guys?"

He grabs the guitar off the mirror, "are you ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?" Fah looks at him and tilts his head. "That a rhetorical question?" Dustin smiles, feeling excited.

Eddie wraps the strap around him, looking at Fah. "I say so." He gave Eddie a smile, which made the other peck his lips quickly. "Let's do it."

Lucas, Pi, and Max all sat in silence as they waited for Erica to signal them through the window. The two watch as Max grabs a the paper and a marker so she can write something.

She shows the paper, hi guys. Pi was confused on why Max said hi to him too, but at this point—he took it. Pi and Lucas both wrote on their papers, showing her a hi back.

She wrote something else, but it was taking her longer this time. Max raises the paper, Pi and Lucas carefully reading it. I don't hate you guys. I'm glad you're here.

Pi began to smile, writing something else down. Does this mean I get to compliment your hair now?

Max tried not to laugh as she smiles, she wrote something else. I like your shoes.

𝐌𝐘 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄, eddie munson ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now