When everything went to shit.

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⚠️Quick Warning - This chapter contains sexual references⚠️
~Like 3 minutes before Sally died~
"I'm so happy that the club allows us to wear anything we want, that uniform will be the death of me." Alex complained to Lily. Alex and Lily seemed to have been wearing 90s style clothes, "Hey guys!" Jenny walked over to the two of them. She was followed by another friend of theirs, David. They were also wearing 90s style clothes. Alex's heart fluttered and raced as he saw David walk over to him. Gently, Lily nudged his elbow, "You should tell him." She whispered. Alex blushed in embarrassment, he turned his head to her, "Shut up!" David and Jenny sat confused, "Yous both good?" David asked,
"Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't we be?"
"I don't know."
Alex and David then sat in silence. Gently, Jenny nudged David's elbow, "I think he likes you... surprisingly." David turned his head and pushed her away. Alex turned to Lily instead, "You should do it!" She told him, "Just ask him if you two could talk privately in another classroom." "I guess that could work." But, suddenly, something stopped them in their tracks, the lights had completely went off, "That's strange, kids stay here I'll go find somebody." Before the teacher left she tried to see if the lights had just turned off by themselves by switching the light switch off and on. She eventually left, "But mrs geode! What are we supposed to do like it's going to be super boring." Mrs Geode hesitantly walked through the hallway, she came across a slightly open bathroom door. Slowly, she walked over to it. Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. It was so silent that you could hear the littlest of sounds. The door creaked as she pushed it open. Her eyes widen in shock, "This... this can't be happening!" She turned around preparing herself to go to the kids but was stopped by a masked man. But something felt off. It felt as if Mrs Geode's heart started to skip beats. She fell to the floor, "Seriously, you had a heart attack by looking at my goofy mask. I mean thanks I guess." He bent down on took her lanyard using it to close the door on the dying woman; locking it from the outside.

The kids pondered on what they could do as their teacher hadn't came back yet, "We should have a walk around the school." Alex suggested, "I'd like that." David said, "Then I guess we'll have a walk around." Lily agreed. They all sat up. Lily snatched another girls arm and pull her along with them. The girl was quite and had bearly said anything the entire day; she was called Yui. Alex and David walked in front with Lily, Jenny and Yui following suite. David took Alex to the side as the lights came back on, "Can we talk in private." He asked, "Yeah." Alex agreed, "Hey you guys, just keep wandering around or something me and Alex are going to talk privately." David instructed them. He pulled Alex into the room and closed the doors behind. David and Alex stood face to face. Alex was slightly taller. David confessed to Alex, "I like you Alex." Alex blushed, "I do too." The two of them looked into each other's eyes, leaning into each other's lips.

Jenny walked alone in the hallways, always on her phone. She decided it would be best to go into orange hub. Jenny did like DT lessons. She entered one of the classroom. One of the machines was left on. It was the drill. She never remembered it's name. Jenny approached; she stepped on the huge red button underneath the machine to stop it.

The two lovebirds started to walk backwards until they reached a table. Alex jumped up onto the table. His tie hung loose around his collar, his shirt was unbuttoned and David had unzipped his trousers. David got on top of him on the table, continuing to make out.

Jenny scrolled through her phone mesmerised by her screen. That was until, something popped up. Something that scared the living daylights out of her which was... the low battery sign. She raised her head trying to find a plug socket, hell maybe even a random charger. But there was someone standing in the doorframe. The person had a feminine body. She seemed to wore a mask that looked like an emoji. A crying emoji. The masked woman raised her hand slightly; she closed and opened her hand repeatedly a bit like a wave to Jenny. Suddenly, she sprinted towards Jenny. Jenny got off the chair and kicked it into the knife-wielding killer. She sprinted towards the scissors trying to grab one but the masked woman pulled on Jenny's hair dragging her over towards the woodcutter. It's sharp blades looked ferocious under the dark sky, "LET GO! PLEASE!" Jenny pleaded. She spotted a stapler laying on the table. She reached for it and clicked it onto the woman's arm, "YOU BITCH!" The masked woman shouted as she slashed at Jenny's legs, "I'm so lucky that wasn't my dominant arm." She picked Jenny up by her hair again. Before she knew it, Jenny's hair was tied to the mechanism. She tried to break free but it was too late. The saws had started to cut her scalp, then her head. Her killer stood in front of her watching her pain ensue. Jenny's blood had splattered everywhere as her decapitated body laid limp over the woodcutter. The killer slightly lifted up her masked to lick the blood that got onto her knife and hand.

David pulled up his boxers, "You were good." Alex told him whilst buttoning his shirt, "Thanks. I enjoyed it." The two of them finished getting redressed as they walked outside of the class, "We need to find the others now." Alex spoke, "Yup." David replied. They kissed once more and began to start walking in the main hallway where all the hubs were. Some people called the hubs by their colours some people call them by the letter block. Alex usually called blue hub by it's letter block so he could make dirty jokes out of it, "I guess you really wanted to go to my D Hub." He winked as David blushed in embarrassment and cringe, "I can't believe you just said that." They both laughed as they walked into green hub.

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