Bitch, we'll die together.

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Whilst Alex and David wandered through green hub, they heard chattering coming from one of the other classrooms, "Boys, do you need anything?" The teacher in the club spotted them, "we thought our club was on but it wasn't so we've just been wandering around the school." Alex lied passionately not a sense of guilt could be spotted, "Well don't be silly, join us for the remainder of the 45 minutes." They walked into the club, it was a literature club, "You can sit next to them over there." She pointed towards the top left table, "Over there is Tiffany and Brittany, the twins, Jacob and Daron." She shifted the pair over towards the table, "Guys, we have two new people for the hour." Alex and David sat down next to each other on the spare seats, "So, what's your names?" Brittany asked, "I'm Alex and he's David." Alex spoke for both of them,
"What club did you go to?" Tiffany asked.
"Japanese Club." David responded.
"I really want to go to Japan one day! They have such cute cafés!" Both Tiffany and Brittany squealed in excitement.

~Meanwhile: With Lily and Yui~
"Do you know where we're going?" Yui questioned, "Of course I do, I've memorised this school of by-" Suddenly, Lily paused in sentence as she heard thudding from behind them. The two girls turned around to see a much taller masculine figure looming over there, he wore baggy and torn clothes. As the girls took a closer inspection of the man they noticed that his face was mangled, tuffs of hair stuck out, his left eye nearly falling out, his mouth was slit from ear to ear. Wielding an axe, he swung at the two girls as they started to sprint away, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING!" Yui was completely disgusted and grossed out by his appearance. The two of them ran into blue hub, shutting the door behind them, "If we go downstairs we can take the tunnel to green hub!" The tunnel was a passageway underneath the main walking hallway; it connected Red, Green and Blue hub together. Lily abs Yui both ran down the stairs, "Girls! What do you think you're doi-" a teacher had spotted them but they were startled as a knife cut her off. A hand pushed her off the blade revealing a masked figure, a feminine figure wearing a crying emoji mask, "Are you gonna whine now?" The two immediately went back to running through the tunnel as masked figures and random masks popped out from every corner, "You're coming with me doll!" But one of them had grabbed onto Yui's pigtail, "Let me go! Lily do something! Please!" "She can't help you!" The masked man raised his weapon to Yui's head but it was true that there was nothing Lily could do. Guilt engulfed the girl as she sprinted away trying to block out Yui's sobbing and screaming however from a distance she heard, "YOU BITCH! I'LL SEE YOU IN HELL!" Yui's final comedic words. Lily swung open the entry doors to green hub and she immediately closed them. From the corner of the door window, the masked man appeared again waving at her holding up Yui's decapitated head. Lily sobbed within the shock and despair of seeing her friend's head being held swung back and fourth. As the sound of chattering reached Lily's ears, she screamed out loud being heard by the Literature Club. The members rushed down to see Lily pushed down on the floor, a decapitated head laying next to her and bloody masked man standing in front of her. As he slowly turned his head to the crowd on the stairs, the masked woman walked through as well, "Don't touch her!" Alex shouted pushing through all of them, "You're outnumbered you bastard...s..." Alex said confidently, "Outnumbered?" The masked woman said, "You sure you can count because I think everyone just left you." "What?" Alex turned around to see that everybody's ditched them, "Shit..." Alex muttered his breathe. Quickly, the masked man sprinted up the stairs charging at Alex with his knife but with a simple kick from Alex sent him down the stairs allowing Alex to get to their level and snatching the knife from the man. He pointed the knife at the two killers, "Al- Alex?" Lily had been stabbed in the shoulder. Seeing his best friend hurt, he lunged at the woman stabbing her through the mask's eye hole repeatedly. An arm wrapped around his neck and then he was chucked to the stairs dropping the knife, "Come on Lily! Please help!" Lily managed to grab herself together grabbing one of the chairs laid out in the hub. She swung the chair as hard as she could to the killer only for it to knock the knife further down her chest. Lily collapsed on the floor, "BITCH! HOW DID YOU MESS THAT ONE UP!" Alex had already been stabbed in the chest, the two of them chuckled in their last breaths. The masked man chucked Alex onto the floor as more masked people entered the room hacking at the two best friends bodies. They turned to each other making a fist and within their true last breaths they fist bumped each other, a tear went down Lily's face, "Hey don't worry, we'll be together soon. We won't be separated that long." Alex reassured her, "You've been a great friend..." Lily soon fell lifeless after those words, sending Alex into more tears. Both of their bodies were limp and lifeless, laying on the floor rag-dolled.

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