Chapter 6: Destruction

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"They are all the victims of the dire wolves' attacks." The elder, who was beside me, said.

We are currently in a... shack, which acts as sort of a resting place for the sick.

Lined up in mats, lie dozens of wounded goblins. Some of them had little time left, and would probably die in a few minutes or so.

I had an idea about this, and I wanted to test it out.

In short, my plan was to use the elixir crafted from hipokute herbs. I just knead those stuff inside "stomach," the timeless pocket space of "Predator."

Using telekinesis, I pulled bits of those gems from the Stomach and have them over above the bodies. Each one of the goblins gets an equal amount. If that's not enough to heal them completely, then I'll throw more.

"Eh? Lord Rimuru?"

Then, without saying a word, I dropped those jelly-like stuff into them. The result was dramatic. It healed the goblins in the blink of an eye, closing all their wounds, healing all diseases, without even leaving a scar. Some of them are already wide awake, while most are still asleep.

"His... his wounds have healed!?" I guess even a little bit of that thing was already enough to heal the physical body from a near-death state, huh.

"I should have guessed, Lord Rimuru. Of course, you have the power of ressurection."

"Fuck no." Deeming my business there done, I went outside and just waited. All the other goblins are in the center, gathered up. I told them to stay there and don't move, since they're practically useless.

A while ago, I gathered all those who can fight, but it wasn't a pretty sight. They were all awful. No way could I count on them on the battlefield. And from afar, the remainder of the village looked like...nothing but children and the elderly to me. So I planned to do this all by myself, and I didn't allow any disagreement.

Now, we wait...

Night. The direwolves' alpha had his eyes open. It was a full moon— the perfect night for a battle. Slowly, he rose, surveying the area, the rest of his pack looking on with bated breath.

Just the right amount of intensity, the alpha thought.

Tonight, they would level the goblin village, establishing a foothold for themselves within the Forest of Jura. Then, slowly but surely, they would hunt the monsters around the area, expanding their territory until they ruled the woods. Soon, when the time was right, they would turn their eyes toward the south, invading it for the power it held.


The alpha gave the signal.

It was time to let the carnage begin.

"They no longer have the protection of that accursed dragon! Let the slaughter begin!"

The reason they haven't invaded the forest till now? Simple: Veldora the Storm Dragon. He was the one and only reason. Even when he was within his prison, the waves of dreadful magical force shook their very hearts. The creatures in the forest, they believed, enjoyed the dragon's divine guardianship—which was why they could survive under those scorching waves.

Now that he had disappeared, monsters are free to go in and out, and a time of chaos will befall.

"They're here," I muttered.

The goblins tensed up. Of course, they would. What else can be expected?

Sate, sate, sate... I got up from my wooden chair, stood up, and stretched. I put my hands in my pockets and began to walk cooly in the direction the dire wolves are charging from.

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