Chapter 8: Interlude, The Girl and the Titan

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Being possessed by Ifrit saved my life. That, I could never hope to deny. If I'd been left there alone, the burns from the air raid would've killed me. No matter what Leon the demon lord intended for me, I had to accept the fact that I owed my life to him.

As a high-ranked flame elemental, Ifrit had powers that were far beyond anything I could have imagined. He miraculously tamed the magic teeming inside me, ready to explode, as he took over my body. Thanks to my being stabilized beforehand-if you want to phrase it that way-I managed to gain an ability. The unique skill "Deviant."

Normally, being absorbed by Ifrit would have erased my consciousness from existence. It was Deviant that protected me. Ifrit may have held the right to rule my body, but I still managed to retain my sense of self despite the assimilation.

The demon lord always kept me near him.

Though Ifrit and I had become one, my body was still young and immature. The one who had summoned me towered over me, even seated in a chair. Ifrit held ownership over my body, so there was precious little to occupy my time. All I could do was stare at the thing that came into view through my eyes. I never tired, but the long periods of boredom were a little painful to endure. I accepted it, though. It was all part of being assimilated.

Then, one day-

"Lord Leon! We have intruders!

-one of the knights in the demon's service burst into his office.

I was standing next to him, as always. I had nothing else to do, and I couldn't do anything anyway.

A knight in black armor, standing at the demon's right side, took his sword in his hand.

Suddenly, a mysterious figure-a sort of mix between bird and man-shot into the room, cackling in his rasping voice.

"Kehhhh-keh-keh-keh! Greetings from König the Magic-Born!When I defeat you, Leon, I will be a demon lord for all time. An ex-human like you, declaring himself to be a demon lord? Know your place, fiend! I'll be happy to take yours once your body is firmly buried in the ground!"

Nothing the man blurted out did anything to change Leon's facial expression. "Hmph," the knight in black calmly said to him, "I see leaving me, at least, to guard you was a wise choice. It looks like one of the rank and filers sniffed this place out."

"Bah," the demon replied just as the knight was about to unsheathe his sword. "Another would-be meddler from the gallery.Very well." He looked at me. "It is time, Ifrit."

What did he mean? I was confused.

"Hmm? What is it, Ifrit?" he asked, an inscrutable look on his face.My bewilderment must have shown in my body's eyes.

"Ignore me, will you," the one known as König-a high-level magic-born, as it turned out-said as he spread his winglike arms out and crossed them in front of his face. For a moment, I could see his hands glow.

<<Confirmed. Extra skill "Magic Sense"...successfully acquired.>>

Ignoring the unfamiliar voice booming in my head, I unconsciously began to walk. One step. Two steps. Then, before I knew it, I was standing in front of the demon lord Leon-face-to-face with König.

"Are you in such a hurry to die, brat?" he rasped out. Something about that voice rankled me to the core. "You will perish by my hand sooner or later. But once I kill that demon lord pretender-"

I could see that the wings extended in front of him held a decent amount of magical force.

"Die, bastard!!"

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