Tao Imagine "First Love"

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Tao Imagine Titled "First Love"

I was at the airport, waiting for my sister to pick me up when I saw you there. A crowd came towards you and girls were screaming. Security guards came rushing in, making space for you to walk. I saw you there with an injured foot, and for some reason I felt the urge to run to you and give you an easier time to walk. I tried to ignore the fact that my heart was beating faster than it ever has. I guess I'm camera shy. And you must be so famous to have that many fans shouting your name. I stopped myself from getting any closer to you. What would I mean to you?

I looked around, hoping my sister would hurry and pick me up. Seconds.. minutes went by. The crowd still didn't die down. They got even louder, cheering on for him. They shouted, "Tao! Tao!" That must be his name. For a second, I found myself for a minute just thinking about Tao. I turned my head over to look at him and found him staring back. I turned away quickly and blushed. My hands gripped onto my bags tighter and tighter. I pulled out my phone to avoid the awkwardness. I searched up "Why does my heart beat so fast when I see someone?" All the answers came up to be "Because you're in love" I locked my screen and totally didn't believe I'd ever fall in love. I'm not in love.

Suddenly I found myself on the floor, I looked up to see the fans crowded around me. For a second, I was really confused of why they were crowding around me, until I realized Tao fell on top of me. I tried to get up and pick him up. His face showed pain for a few seconds but the next, as if nothing happened. Does he always hide his pain in front of his fans? I got a closer look at his injured foot. It gives me chills down my back. I shake my head and close my eyes for a second. Is he really fine after falling on his foot? I gave him a worried look as I helped him up.

"Tao.." I said softly.

"Are you okay? I'm so so sorry I fell on you." He quickly apologizes. Then he hops on his foot as he tries to pick up my bags. I placed my hands on his, telling him it's okay. I went down to pick up my own suitcases. His words repeat in my mind. His voice so sweet and kind. I smile as I get up. I tried to avoid the crowd, so I tried to find my way out. I wonder if my sister is here yet. I feel a hand placed on my shoulders that stops my heart from beating for a few seconds. I turned around and realized it was Tao.

"Can I have your phone? My phone won't turn on for some reason." He said smiling..

"Oh I'm so sorry, did it break when you fell?" I questioned with a worried look.

"Why are you saying sorry? It's not your fault." He smiled as he took my phone I offered him.

He typed away on my phone. I wonder if it's to another celebrity. Wouldn't I be famous then? Haha ~ He handed me my phone back and gave me another warm smile. I felt so weird, a feeling I've never felt before. It's as if I'm a piece of chocolate being cooked in the oven with dough. Melting away.. the word "love" appears on my mind. It can't be. Usually I don't read other people's messages, but I felt an urge to look at who he texted. I know it's disrespectful, but just this once will be okay. I looked to notice that me texted himself.

Text: Annyeong Tao! I'm cute and adorable. Let's be friends in the future. Please keep in contact. I'm sorry about falling on you today. Phone hacked by Tao! hehe have a wonderful day.

I found myself smiling like an idiot. I looked up to meet his eyes and he blew a kiss. I blushed and looked away. I suddenly felt someone hugging me tight. It must be my sister! But I realized it was Tao. My eyes widened, wondering what I should do. Am I suppose to hug him back? His hands touched my face as my heart went wild. I placed my hands on my heart as he slowly leans in, closing his eyes. Uusally people close their eyes when they kiss. What am I suppose to do?! I closed my eyes as I felt his lips on mine. The kiss got more intense as I kissed him back. I totally ignored the crowd and I felt like I was in another world with him. Maybe I do love him. My first love..

The End~~

Tao! 生日快乐!~ Happy birthday to Tao~ Note: Some of you may read this imagine a week from now or days, so it might not be appropriate to say Happy birthday Tao still~ so i'm just going to leave this note to say I posted this on his birthday!(: May he always be happy and healthy <3

Hope you enjoyed reading this imagine and have a wonderful day! Always smile on ~

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