"On Standby For You"~ Luhan Imagine

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Luhan Imagine ~ "On Standby For You"

Imagine being dragged on a date set up by your parents. It was part of your culture that the adults chose your partner and arranged your marriage. You've always witnessed it happening to your older friends and you never really thought it would happen to you. But now you were old enough, and you were sitting at the restaurant waiting for a man named Luhan to appear. You hated the idea of arranged marriages. As you waited for this man to come, your parents were telling you how to behave and telling you do avoid certain unfavorable behaviors. You nodded your head just to agree but in your mind, you had already planned out everything you would do to embarrass yourself in front of everyone. When he showed up with his parents, your parents got up as their face lit up with joy. You got up and simply glanced at them before sitting back down. I then looked at Luhan out of curiosity. If he had long hair, I would've thought he was a girl but he does look cute. Still, I wouldn't agree to this arranged marriage even if I ended up falling for him. I looked away and went on my phone to save myself from the awkwardness. Suddenly you received a text from an unknown number. It said: I'm Luhan, nice to meet you. Well, it couldn't have gotten any more creepy or awkward that he has my number. I guess my mom gave it to him.

"Hi," I replied.

"You don't seem too happy," he replied.

"I'm not happy at all actually," you wrote back to him.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because this arranged marriage or date thing is seriously ridiculous..." you answered.

"I guess. I don't exactly like it either," he replied.

"It makes no sense to arrange us into this stupid marriage if we aren't even interested in it... It's not like they'll live with us after we get married. We need to do something about this," you responded.

"Like what?" He asked.

"I had planned to just embarrass myself and be rude in front of them so that they would reconsider me. If I embarrass myself enough, the arrangement might be canceled. If you're up for it, we can plan something else that would really work," you suggested.

He looked up at you, then to his parents.

"Sure," he replied before putting his phone away. He had noticed your silly behaviors and he had even told you the behaviors his mother dislikes most. It was one way to get on her bad side for sure.

Your mom pinched your arms to get you to behave without embarrassing herself.

"I think this is ridiculous. We have no interest in each other so why would we get married?!" You shouted as you stood up.

"You'll eventually develop an interest for one another. You need to give each other a chance," your mom replied with a fierce look in her eyes to get you to behave.

"Sure I can give it a chance but you're already planning our marriage!! Isn't that a little too far?!" You responded just before leaving.

~Reader's Point of View~

I ran off somewhere where I could be alone. I was furious about the entire situation yet it felt so unfair that tears were streaming down. I had the right to speak up about the issue so why is mom treating me this way? She doesn't even understand me. She expects me to think about why she's doing this but she doesn't even consider my thoughts and opinions. When have I not been a good daughter? I really just wanted to find the man that's right for me. I didn't want to have someone pick for me. That's all I really wanted my parents to realize. It's not like I want to embarrass them but I've told them a million times that I didn't want to be arranged into a marriage.. they just never listened so this was the only way. I was only frustrated even more to think about how my parents would scold me later. But then those thoughts came to a stop when Luhan appeared. It was unexpected. I immediately wiped my tears away. This was the true meaning of embarrassment.

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