You're Like My Drug ~ Chanyeol Imagine

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Chanyeol Imagine Titled 'You're Like My Drug'

There's always something in someone's life that causes them to be sad or down. Although I have my whole family who loves me, although i have money, and friends, there's something missing that just makes me feel like crying. I have everything that someone else would be happy for. I just don't seem to be a person that could be thankful for something, or it's just i can't ever be happy.. today is Thanksgiving and i want to try to just be thankful for everything and BE happy. I wake up first thing in the morning to take a walk outside for a good start for the day. The breeze against my face and the sun shining from above makes me feel warm yet cold at the same time. As i continue walking, I hear a sound of a guitar playing early in the morning as the birds are chirping along. I turn around the corner to see a man at the park, sitting on those weird looking benches. I walked closer and stood closer to hear, I sang the melody in my head. He suddenly stopped when he knew I was there.

Me: I'm so sorry, did I disturb you? I just really like the song you were playing, you play it so well.

???: Thanks, I can play it again for you

Me: Mister.. what's your name?

???: Chanyeol

Me: nice to meet you Chanyeol, I'm (YourName)

Chanyeol: Nice to meet you (YourName), such a pretty name

Me: Thanks, that's really sweet

Chanyeol: Happy thanksgiving

Me: you too

He looked up at me from his guitar and gave me the biggest smile, from looking into his eyes, i see that he's someone that is thankful for even the littlest things ever, while I'm the opposite of him, i can't be thankful for even the important things i have, how could i be thankful for the little things? It's like two different people who came from two different dimensions are sitting down together enjoying this thanksgiving day. I smile back to him because something inside of me just lights up.

Chanyeol: It's a beautiful day to smile and be thankful about

Me: Yea it is but i think it's a bit weird.. because I'm never a person to ever be happy about something.. like something is missing, i have everything someone else would want, but i'm not happy for that, but right now, something inside me makes me feel different for the first time.

Chanyeol: with me around, everyone will be smiling. I'm the virus. All my friends call me happy virus because i always make them happy.

Me: that's cute

Chanyeol pulls me in for a hug and i feel the warmth from him, i can hear his heart beating as i lean against his chest. For a quick second, i felt like I've found out what was missing that always made me feel down. I smiled for the first time in years. The last time I smiled because I was happy was when I was eight years old. I never again smiled truly from happiness till now.

Chanyeol: Hugs always help to smile, hope that gave you some spirit for thanksgiving!

I think i fell into a deep spell of happiness and love from Chanyeol. Was love the answer all this time? All this time the thing missing was love, a relationship. Ever since the hug, I couldn't stop smiling just even for a second.

Chanyeol: seems like you've got the spirit of thanksgiving!

Me: thanks to you

I wanted to hug him again, so i faced him and was just about to put my arms around him but a bunch of guys came making so much noise. All of a sudden, i felt Chanyeol's lips on mine and I froze for a second. Chanyeol pulled back after five seconds. Shivers went down my back and I was in complete shock. Everything seemed to have gone so quite and as if the whole world was revolving around the two of us. I stared at Chanyeol but after a few seconds that felt like minutes, everything was normal again, Chanyeol was yelling at his friends while they made fun of the two of us. I didn't know what to do because I didn't know his friends so I sat there as I blushed. I couldn't even hide my smile, the kiss really made me feel so cheesy inside. But I didn't mind because i like this feeling of love.

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