Chen Imagine ~ Movie Night

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JongDae Imagine ~ Movie Night
Imagine having a movie night with Chen and all your friends. As your friends are all into the movie, you and Chen are texting each other silly messages. He'd glance at you from time to time to see your smile and he'd send you another text about how he could just watch you smile for the rest of the movie. Your friends poke you to be quiet and stop playing on your phone, so you tried holding in your laugh to focus on the movie. Your phone kept vibrating because Chen kept sending messages to you. You peaked at your phone to read his message because you didn't really care about the movie since you've already watched it with Chen before. You eventually started texting him again and your friends got really frustrated so they pushed you off the seat in a playful way. Chen was silently laughing, trying not to disturb them. He texted you the laughing emoji. You replied to him with a sad emoji, and he sent back a kiss. You got up and walked around to Chen to flick his head for laughing at you. Then he pulled you towards him and you fell on him. He wrapped his arms around you. Then his friends that sat next to him were pushing him to the edge because when you got on the couch, there was less space for them. You got up quickly so you didn't have to be pushed off the couch again, then you started laughing at Chen. You then sat on his lap because you didn't want to sit on the floor. Everyone looked at you and told you to be quiet when you laughed. You tried to hold in your laugh and buried your head in his chest while you had your arms around Chen. After the movie, you two were the loudest. You both were talking about the movie and your friends told you both to be quiet when you didn't watch the movie at all. They didn't know you've watched it before. They eventually went inside the rooms, leaving you and Chen alone. You both shared the same favorite part of the movie, and so you both started to role playing that scene. Because you've watched the movie so many times, you remembered the script of your favorite scene. To add in more humor, Chen role played the leading actress while you role played the leading actor. He talked in a high pitched voice while you struggled with the deep voice. Your friends thought you both were crazy, but you both continued to be silly together. Chen cracked his voice over and over while you sounded like a monster, and you'd laugh at each other but still try again. Your friends all tell you to go to sleep or keep it down so you both go into the room. Even with the doors closed, they could hear the two of you laughing. Your friends knock on your door to tell you two to be quiet. Just after the knock, you both stop laughing out loud and tried to hold in your laughter. You both went under the blankets while laughing softly. When you've had enough time to pull yourself back together, you stuck your head out the blanket to get some air. Chen turns to face you and he combs your hair back behind your ears.
"I love being weird with you," he whispers.
You smile and he pulls you in his arms. You cuddle in his arms and fall asleep together.

~ The End ~

This is written for Chen's Birthday. I know his birthday has passed~~ but I hope he's had a beautiful birthday <3

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