JongDae Imagine "My Way of Expressing My Love For You"

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JongDae Imagine Titled "My Way of Expressing My Love For You"

Were you ever tired of listening to what people had to say about you? Or have you just wanted to shut yourself into your own world, and so you locked yourself up in your room, while blasting music? I have to the point that I'm deaf now, and it's actually a good thing, because now I'll never have to hear what people have to say, whether if it's about the way I look or my outfit. I'm not here to please anyone, so I just don't want to hear people tell me what to do. People use to complain that my music was too loud, that everyone around me could hear my song. I didn't care, but they rudely unplugged my ear buds out of my ears, and shouted at me, "Are you deaf?! You're always listening to a song that no one wants to hear! It's not like you even know Korean! You don't even know what they're singing!"

From that moment on, I wished every night that I was deaf. I blasted my music so loud to the point it hurt my ears every time I listened, until I started getting use to it. I had to be brazen to not care about what people thought of my taste in music. My hearing was very ephemeral, and not long lasting. At the age of seven, I was deaf. It was hard adjusting to this life style, and I no longer was able to listen, not even to those songs that kept me alive, that digressed me from the troubles of my life, but life is about sacrificing. Society has shaped me into a callous person. I looked down on people the way I use to be looked down upon. I didn't trust anyone, and I wouldn't even look at someone in the eyes, even if they were talking to me. Not only have I became callous, I've became less affable as each year passes. Goodbye to the debonair me, and goodbye to the person I use to be.

It's one of those days where I have to work. I'm always doing errands, and I walked around like I was a zombie, wasting time, till it hit four o'clock. I survived another day of hell. Suddenly someone hugs me from behind, it seemed he was mouthing words, but I had no clue of what he was trying to say. Based off experience, I think he's trying to say, "Smile."

It was the first time someone made my existence important. It was the first time that someone took the courage to deal with all my attitude, and still stick to my side. It felt that my ice cold heart was melting down from his warmth. He pulled back from his tight, yet comforting hug when I smiled. He was the guy who always helped me carry the heavy things when I'm on my errands. Maybe if I didn't smile, he'd still be hugging me. "Ah.. why am I thinking like this?" I thought. I pushed him away, and walked away, but he caught up with me, and hugged me tighter. This time, even if I smiled, he didn't let go. "I'm sorry I don't know what you need!! I can't hear! I'm deaf! Please leave me alone!" I screamed.

He took my hands, and wrote his name in my palms. "Hi, I'm JongDae."

"JongDae? I don't know you.." I whispered with attitude.

"I'll always be here for you, I won't let you feel alone anymore." He wrote on my palms.

"Why? Why do you care?" I asked with a more sincere voice.

It seemed he made no intention on answering me. And that leaves me to question myself, "What does he know about me?"

He walked me home, and the next day, he gave me a morning text. He walked me to a nearby bakery for breakfast before heading to work together.

~Author's Point of View~

People laughed at JongDae for being with (YourName), but he still gave them a bright smile, as if he was receiving a compliment. He still stayed by her side, and cared for her. When there was a left over crumb on her lips, he'd wipe it away for her, and steal a kiss on her cheeks. She started realizing that JongDae's reason to care for her, was because he loves her, and she clearly understood why he didn't tell her in that moment. Words were hurtful, they could be a lie, and of course, she knew he didn't want to make her feel hurt or that she was being played with. He showed his love through his action. She looked at the people laughing at him, their eyes filled with tears as their mouth were wide open. She knew that he took in a lot to show that he truly loves her. He knew that if he just said 'I love you', she wouldn't believe. She knew that he thought of her first. She took his hands, and left, running towards the ocean, and screamed, "I regret!"

~My Point of View~

I regret.. I wish I wasn't deaf anymore, but that can't be changed! I regret.. because I wasn't open minded. Even when he was laughed at, and pointed at, he gave me a smile, he stayed by my side. Why did it matter if people were making fun of me? Why did I listen to them.. I wish I could hear again, so I can hear JongDae tell me sincerely that he loves me.. I want to hear him sing.. because I always see him mouth words at work. "I just want to hear someone say they love me.. I don't want to read it, I want to hear it from you..." I whispered.

"Love can't be expressed through verbalization, but only through action. Why do you think I never replied to your question of why I care for you?" He wrote in my palms. "Each and every hug; each and every time I hold your hands; each and every time I look at you; each and every time I think of you; each and every time I'm doing something for you, is my way of saying I love you."

~The End~

Happy Birthday to our Chen Chen!! 

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