Interlude - The Daily Lives of Peroroncino and Bukubukuchagama

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September 16th, 2133.

With the coming of the twenty-second century the world, to put it bluntly, went to shit. Greed sunk its claws into mankind and they have done to the earth what they have done best. Destroy and ruin. Turning the once beautiful planet into a polluted and infested hellscape. A mere shadow of its once pristine form. This affected not only the environment and ecosystem but also those that inhabited the world for countless centuries. The very same those were the cause of earth's slow death.

Perhaps it was karma in a way, though rarely was it just and fair. For millions upon millions of innocents were made to suffer and live in a dying world, while those truly responsible remained unaffected. The common people living arduous lives under an oppressive regime, under the remorseless care of various corporate conglomerates that perpetuated this cruel system.

It was a large contrast. Those that were of the 1% living in luxury without care, contrasting with the dystopian ruined outside world. A clear divide in class if there ever was one.

Once those of influential status saw where the world was heading, they poured their resources and funds to stop it. More specially, to make sure they weren't caught up in it.

Thus, came the constructions and creations of Biodomes. A project that saw to make sure they wouldn't be affected by the rapid pollution of the world. These Biodomes acted as closed-off cities and towns, a safe bubble that filtered out the near toxic air that covered the planet. Allowing the inhabitants to go about daily lives without the need for a breathing mask or safety coats. Of course, such luxuries were only bestowed upon those that could afford them. It was mainly those that were of high status that inhabits them.

Within Japan, most of the major prefectures within the county possessed a Biodome or two in each region. Each one the size of a city and filled with everything one could think of. From schools and universities to super malls and entertainment centers, along with some Biodomes being home to many of Japan's corporate headquarters.

Within the prefecture of Hiroshima, it was no different. In particular, the Biodome was home to a university known for its diverse programs and initiatives. The University of Hiroshima was a massive complex that housed many students and facilities. Known as one of the best universities within all of Japan with state-of-the-art equipment and a history of illustrious graduates and children of CEOs attending its grounds.

One of its hallmarks was an extensive library with the latest and innovative appliances that students have access to. One of which was the numerous study rooms that students may occupy. All of which were soundproof. They were designed to grant the occupants the maximum amount of silence and ambiance they need. But to also allow them the freedom to chat or even argue and debate with one another without fear of interrupting anyone else.

Which was the case for one room in particular. The halls were silent, but that didn't stop the curious glances from the occasional passerby through the small window. Allowing them a small glimpse into what would be.

A pair of students were engaged in what seemed to be an argument. An aggressive one as well, as the pair were going back and forth. Their expressions were resolute in whatever argument they were championing. And by the looks of things neither was giving the other an inch.

Though, perhaps heated would be a more apt word. The two individuals were going back and forth and while the true nature of their conversation was behind closed doors it was clear to anyone it was a fierce argument. One could only wonder what philosophical or controversial topic would invoke such a heated exchange between the two.

"Traps are not gay!"


But then again, this was Peroroncino that we're talking about here.

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