Chapter One: First Day

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Steve Rogers steps out of the school bus and onto the pavement, he starts walking along with his bag slung over on of his broad shoulders. He takes a deep breath when he sees the high school in view and slowly lets it out.

Steve spots a boy the same size as him leaning against a tree, his face was half hidden by its shadow. He was puffing on a cigarette, he slowly lets the smoke escape from his lips. He was watching Steve with his blue-grey eyes, his dark chocolate brown hair was clipped forties style, how it would've looked back then. He starts sauntering towards Steve, who watches him.

"Hey." The brunette says casually, drawing out smoke from the cigarette.

"Hey." Steve says, he nods his head towards him.

The boy taps at the burning end of the cigarette and the ash flutters through the air.

"I'm James, but my friends call me Bucky." The brunette says, he drops his cigarette and steps on it, grinding it into the pavement of the front of the school. He then extends his hand to shake Steve's.

"I'm Steve." The blonde replies, shaking Bucky's hand. Bucky nods and fixes his sharp looking blue jacket that was swung around himself, with several bright gold buttons.

Wordlessly, the pair of boys start walking into the building together.

"So how old are you?" Bucky questions.

"Fifteen, how 'bout you?" Steve asks back.

"Same age." Bucky shrugs, pushing the double doors open and letting Steve go in first.

Steve's eyes widen slightly when he looks around him, it was a very fancy school. Fancier than he's ever been in, that's for sure. Bucky lets out a low whistle when he sees how polished everything looked, they had really stepped it up since he last came here. (The two boys were now in grade ten).

"So this isn't your first day here." Steve says and Bucky nods.

"Yep. Two years at this school and only this year they change it up." He replies, shouldering past people chatting in the halls before school officially starts.

There's one group of girls who keep chatting, their group span went across the entire hall. Bucky huffs and taps a redhead girl on the shoulder, the girl was part of the group.

"Hey, Nat. Could you please scoot to the side, or something?" He asks and she tsks.

"Not even a hello. Nice to see you too, James." She jokes then her eyes find Steve's.

"Who's your friend?" She asks Bucky, staring at Steve with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry. Nat, this is Steve. Steve, Nat." Bucky introduces.

"Pleasure to meet you, Nat." Steve says politely and she nods.

"Likewise, Steve." She replies, smiling.

They girls part and the two boys continue walking. Bucky was telling Steve about some of the girls, at least the ones he knew.
"There was a curly headed brunette with red lips. She was staring at me." Steve asks, looking at Bucky.

"Peggy Carter. British exchange student. She must've known you were new here, she knows everyone." Bucky says. The bell rings and they go to their first class; they were in most of the same classes together.

They find their seats and Steve looks around. He sees a whole bunch of people in a group, and two boys slightly away from the group.

Bucky follows his gaze to the two boys.

"Those two are Tony and Bruce. Science nerds." Bucky explains and Steve nods. Bruce was a jittery, nervous guy with curly brown hair and brown eyes rimmed by large glasses. Tony was a sassy, bold guy with close to black- brown hair and really dark brown eyes. His chest had a glowing blue circle within it.

"What happened to Tony's chest?" Steve asks curiously as everyone gets to their seats when the final bell rings.

"Car accident. Never told us when or where it happened." Bucky says quietly as their teacher walks in. Their teacher was Mr. Fury, a tall man with chocolate brown skin and an eyepatch over a nasty looking scar, covering his entire left eye.

"G'morning, students. My name is Mr. Fury and I am your social studies teacher. " He says and the class watches him blankly.

"So. Open your books to Chapter One. We'll be learning about Budapest." He says and the class follow suit. A sandy haired kid with hearing aids glances at Nat and smirks, she smirks back.

"Who's that?" Steve asks Bucky, nodding to the sandy haired boy.

"Clint Barton. Best friends with Nat. They've got this thing about Budapest, I don't know. It's always their little secret." Bucky shrugs. They do their work together secretly, Steve was just glad to have found a friend in Bucky. And Bucky was glad for Steve, who was someone who seemed to genuinely like him.

The next class was interesting. The classmates were the same, of course. Steve hadn't noticed a bunch of tough looking guys, they were glaring daggers at Steve and Bucky alike for some reason. Steve frowns, watching them.

"Those guys are rough. Don't get caught in their crowd. Alex Pierce, Brock Rumlow, Grant Ward, Johann Schmidt, Arnim Zola, Jasper Sitwell. Alex and Johann are the leaders, the rest are their ruthless cronies." Bucky mutters, running a hand through his short brown hair.

"Sounds like you know alot about them." Steve comments. Bucky stares at Steve a moment before nodding.

"Sure, everyone knows them. They call their group Hydra, which for them means if one member leaves they just get two more." Bucky explains and Steve nods, though he wasn't sure if Bucky was telling the truth or not.

The day continues on and they meet all their teachers, most of the people in their grade. Steve's favorite teacher was their English teacher, Mr. Coulson, he had them write a story in english. Steve and Bucky became really great friends on that day, and Steve was glad for it. Bucky was the first real friend he'd had in quite a while.

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