Chapter Eleven: Couple

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Over the next few days, Steve and Bucky became a couple. Nat found it adorable, as did Peggy. Sam was ecstatic and Clint thought it was weird. Tony didn't care either way. Bruce, Pepper and Sam's girl, Riley, adored the two. They were honestly the cutest couple.

It was the weekend, crisp wind and clear blue skies without any clouds to block out the golden sun. The two boys made a plan to hang out together, sometime that weekend.

Steve was currently lounging around, flopped on his bed and doodling. He hears a sharp knock on the door and gets up, putting his sketchbook down.
He meanders over and opens the door to see a smiling boyfriend there, his boyfriend. Steve smiles at Bucky, who beams back.

"Hey, Stevie." Bucky chirps, in a good mood today.

"Hey, Buck. Come on in." Steve says, opening the door wider. Bucky nods and steps inside, looking around. This was the first time he had been in Steve's room, he smirks when he sees the many sketchbooks and model planes, the world war two posters.

"Aww, cute." Bucky hums, observing the airplanes. Steve rolls his eyes and closes his door, shuffling over to Bucky.

"Yeah, yeah." He huffs, Bucky smirks and turns to face his boyfriend. He wraps his arms around the blonde's waist and smiles when he sees the smirk tugging at Steve's lips, looking at Bucky.

"Honestly." Bucky hums, Steve puts his arms around Bucky as well. Bucky moves in for a kiss and Steve lets him, his fingers weaving through Bucky's short brown hair. They kiss tenderly, lips melding perfectly together. They pull apart after a while, Steve sits down on his bed and Bucky flops beside him.

"So what do you wanna do?" Bucky questions, his head tilting to the side as he studies Steve. The blonde sticks his lower lip out and shrugs, nibbling on it.

"I could show you some of my sketches, if you want." Steve suggests, a light blush adorning his cheeks. Bucky's smile widens and he nods eagerly, he'd always wanted to see what Steve drew in his spare time.

Steve reaches over and grabs his sketchbook, Bucky scooches closer beside him and leans in to see the book clutched in the blonde's hands. Steve opens it up, the pages crinkling as he does so.

First was a picture of a small dog, the tongue lounging out and his eyes seeming to be so alive. It was shaded to perfection and brilliantly sketched.

"Aww. Who's this little guy?" Bucky asks, taking a closer look at the dog.

"My old dog. I had to get rid of him before I came here, no animals allowed. His name was Dug." Steve replies, swallowing and sighing inwardly. He still missed his ol' dog, how he'd wake him up with a lick everyday, how they'd play together. He wanted his dog back but knew he couldn't get him back, it was too late for that.

Bucky looks up at him, pity in his eyes. He'd never had a pet but had always wanted one.

"Oh, Stevie. I'm sorry." Bucky sighs, resting his forehead on Steve's shoulder. The blonde nods and sighs, turning his head and planting a kiss to the side of Bucky's head.

"It's fine." Steve shrugs like it's no big deal, flipping the page. They flip through the pages for a while, Bucky smiling and compliments falling out of his mouth the entire time. Steve's blush didn't leave that whole time. Eventually they get to the sketch Steve drew of Bucky that one day, when he realized that he had a crush on Bucky.
The brunette observes the sketch quietly, his eyes taking in every detail. Steve watches him quietly, his blush getting deeper.

"Wow." Bucky whispers, he lets out a light laugh. Steve smiles, relieved that he didn't come across as just creepy.

"That's amazing art, Stevie." Bucky purrs, Steve blushes. The brunette kisses Steve's cheek and smirks.

"Thanks." Steve hums, smiling softly. Bucky nods, Steve takes his sketchbook back and closes it, dropping it on the floor. Bucky leans back, putting his weight on his arms. Steve tucks his legs underneath him and leans back against his wall with his arms folded across his chest, Bucky watches him quietly.

"So." Bucky says before the silence gets too much. Steve glances over at him and shrugs.

"So." He repeats, Bucky rubs the back of his neck.

"Now what?" Bucky questions, Steve shrugs again.

"Fancy a walk?" He suggests, Bucky nods.

"Yeah, sure." He says, getting up. Steve nods and swings his legs off the bed, getting up. The pair troop out the door, down the stairs and outside. The couple walk around for hours, talking about everything.

Bucky tells a joke and beams happily when he makes Steve laugh. Gosh, he loved that laugh. It was as large as life itself, and just as sweet.

They chat for a while longer but soon have to part ways. Steve had to he back home by a specific time, and Bucky wasn't allowed to just wander off. Although, he still did. He didn't care about his parent's rules.

Steve trudges home quietly, his hands shoved in his pockets and his head down. He looks up at the sky and sighs, blowing a few blonde strands out of his face. He walks up to the orphanage, opening the door and stepping inside.

"Steven, where have you been? Your friends were waiting for you." Ms. Hilda scolds, with her hands on her hips and wearing a frown on her face. Steve looks past her to see Pierce, Rumlow, Ward, Johann, Sitwell and Zola sitting there on the steps, smirking at Steve. The blonde feels his mouth go dry and he swallows hastily, looking at Ms. Hilda.

"I was... uh, out with a friend." Steve says, he hears a snicker from one of Hydra but he didn't care. He rubs his face and sighs, looking down at the floor, feeling stressed.

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