Chapter Fifteen: Life Happens

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Bucky hums, appreciative of the kiss. He places his hands on Steve's hips and feels Steve smile into the kiss. Bucky bites Steve's bottom lip and smirks when he feels the blonde shudder. A knock on the door is what draws them apart, Bucky sighs and Steve gets up then opens the door.

"Steven, what are you doing in there?"Ms. Hilda hums, standing in the doorway.

"Hanging out with Bucky, Ms. Hilda." Steve replies politely, she nods and ruffles his hair.

"I just came up to tell you that a couple are looking to adopt you tomorrow. Be on your best behavior." She warns before wandering back down. Steve blinks and swallows, he hadn't had anyone try to adopt him for years.

Bucky hops off the bed and goes over to the blonde, slightly concerned by how quiet he is.

"Steve? You okay?" He asks, Steve nods and runs a hand through his short hair.

"Yeah, it's just... nobody's tried to adopt me for a long time. For a while I thought it might never happen." Steve breathes out, Bucky smiles softly.

"What, never adopt a handsome lad like yourself?" He smiles at Steve, who rolls his eyes but smiles back.

"Trust me, Steve, they'll love you." Bucky assures, wrapping his arms around Steve and resting his chin on the blondes' shoulder. The blonde blushes, he turns his head to look at the brunette and is greeted with a kiss as Bucky angles his head the right way to meet his lips. Steve lets out a startled noise but smiles, Bucky smirks.

Bucky's sent home in a bit, at around six at night. He wanders out the door of the orphanage and down the stairs, his hands shoved deep in his pockets. He hops off the final step and turns back to look at Steve's window, he sees the blonde wave at him and he waves back, smiling softly. With that he wanders off to his house.

When he steps inside the strong stench of pure alcohol hits him and he gags, covering his mouth and nose to block the stench. Usually, he would be able to put up with the smell, but this time it was like an overload. He sneaks upstairs to hear sobbing and smashing of glass coming from his mother's room. His heart sinks and he carefully knocks on her door. A bottle smashes against the other side of the door and Bucky jumps at the sharp sound.

Gently, Bucky pulls the door open and sees his mom sitting in a corner of her room, clutching a bottle of whiskey. Broken glass surrounded her and the scent of alcohol was stronger here. She was mourning again, she missed her boyfriend and was convinced he was nothing more than a saint.

"Ma?" Bucky whispers, her head shoots up to look at him. She staggers to her feet and sways against the wall, clutching the bottle in her hands.

"Yer home late, Jamezz." She slurs, taking a staggering step towards him. He swallows and forces himself to keep still as his mom approaches him.
"Give me that bottle, you've had enough." Bucky breathes, slowly reaching out to take the bottle. She frowns and swats his hand away, she lifts it to her lips and pours the golden fluid down her throat. Bucky lunges forwards and grabs the bottle, he yanks it out of her hands. She screeches like a drunkard and lunges to grab it back, Bucky holds it high above her head.

"Filthy little, loathsome *****!" She whines, staggering again. She shoves Bucky and he drops the bottle, it smashes and whiskey rains down on their shoes. Bucky takes one look at his mother's furious, drunk face and he splits. He wasn't gonna stay to witness the explosion that's bound to happen.

"Get back here!" His mother slurs, swaying on the spot, trying to get her legs to go after him. He doesn't look back and swings the front door open, he leaves and slams the door behind him. The glass window on it shatters and Bucky winces when he feels the glass either embed in his neck and back or feel them scratch him as they fly through the air from the force of the impact. Bucky starts running, his first thought was to go to Steve and that's what he planned to do.

He arrives shortly, panting and out of breath. The lights were off and he knew he wouldn't be allowed in at this hour. He looks around and finds a small rock lying on the ground, he picks it up. Raising his head he spots Steve's window, aims at it, and throws the rock. It ticks against the glass and falls back down, Bucky finds several more rocks and uses this method to try to gain Steve's attention.

Eventually, the window slides up and Bucky sees a tired looking Steve still in his pajamas, his hair a mess. Steve rubs his eyes and squints down at Bucky, he frowns.

"Bucky? What are you doing here?" Steve asks quietly, not wanting to wake anyone in the orphanage.

"Can I come in and explain in a bit, please? It's cold out here." Bucky breathes out, it was rather cold out.

"How're you supposed to get in?" Steve asks, Bucky shrugs.

"Got a rope?" He asks, Steve sighs and disappears back into his room. Minutes later there's a rope dangling down from his window and Bucky climbs it, he grabs Steve's offered hand and is pulled into the thankfully warm room.

"So? What's going on?" Steve asks him, sitting on his bed with Bucky beside him. He explains everything, even the glass that shattered when he left, that was still in his neck and back. Steve sighs and motions for him to turn around, which the brunette does.

Bucky removes his shirt and Steve blushes, he gets a cloth wet and gently dabs at the cuts, cleaning them. Bucky winces and sighs, Steve helps him gently.

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