☾ quarto

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trigger warning: this chapter included one NSFW scene! I will mark once it begins and ends with this ☾ symbol

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trigger warning: this chapter included one NSFW scene! I will mark once it begins and ends with this symbol.

As they continued across the waves they eventually turned into mirrored floors just like where he originally fell

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As they continued across the waves they eventually turned into mirrored floors just like where he originally fell. He looked down on the mirrors and gasped a bit when he saw the sky above him in the reflection. He looked up and saw thick swipes of paint that started out purple but as they continued the paint mixed together to make a dark grey.

"One more memory," Jun said with a quick glance. "Then you can see what will happen if you don't leave here."

Soonyoung nodded, head still lifted staring into the paint mixed sky. Soon they got to an empty room where canvases were laid around and paint was spilled on the ground. Jihoon was in the middle of the floor, arms covered in paint and in tears.

Soonyoung had run in and wrapped his arms around the smaller. "Jihoon, what is it? Are you okay?"

"I can't do this, Soonyoung," Jihoon sobbed. "I'm so sorry."

"Oh, this...this is our first kiss but also the first time Jihoon made me cry," Soonyoung whispered to Jun.

"I remember," Jun said with a weak smile. "Wonwoo and I were watching a movie when you called."

"Jun, I can't tell if you hate me or not," Soonyoung said running a hand through his hair. "I'm getting the feeling you hated me or maybe still do."

Jun laughed loudly just the way everyone always loved. "I never hated you and I still don't. Isn't that obvious through the years? You were his best friend, his family...I knew there would be times he would need to be there for you. I promise I never was mad over it. If anything, sometimes I just wish I had someone like that outside of Wonwoo...and eventually I did, Soonyoung. It was you. You became my best friend too."

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