Blueberrysuger/part 1

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"Hey Silaya..." Savio began with a hint of uneasiness while he peeked into the kitchen. There, Silaya and Liam presided in front of their cooking appliances supposedly making something together.

"Wassup Vio." Silaya responded, though she didn't look at him. "We're cooking and baking and baking and cooking right now, so we can't–"

Savio waves his hands and adds a comedic chuckle. "Oh no no no, I just wanted to ask y'all something. I swear I'm not gon' do some dumb shit. I literally just thought of this."

Silaya took an up-and-down look at her little brother and glared at him for a moment before nodding at him to go on. "We're listening." Liam added helplessly. He smiled to himself as he gave Savio a friendly glance.

"Aight, so I saw a combination of colors today and I couldn't think of why it looked so familiar. It didn't bother me until it was all up in my face, but it really hit me as soon as I was about to leave."

"Where you going?" Silaya asked as she put a bowl in her hand.

"To...the store," Savio lied, fiddling with his shirt, "I need to get a few things...but anyways, it was like dark blue, or indigo...then like blue, white...then it faded into a lil' bit of blue-green before it got to turquoise–"

"Those sound like the colors of the men-love-men flag! Jay has one in his room." Liam exclaimed. Silaya looked at Liam and nodded as he had passed a whisk to her.

"Oh...shit..." Savio mumbled in realization. His eyes immediately began wondering without a purpose, spacing off into his thoughts. But the two chefs didn't pick up on his dreaded reaction, thankfully.

"Yeah...pride month is coming soon. It's common knowledge that homosexuality and homoeroticism runs around in us humanoids. But we're proud of it. Shows the humans...something." Liam explained with a snort.

"You don't say, Snowball?" Silaya sarcastically responded. Liam started laughing, his tail beginning to wag happily. Savio liked that about the Bunny Boys around here; their tails whenever they did anything good were cute. Hopefully that was nothing more than a compliment, pondered Savio.

"You didn't know that Vio?" Liam asked, tapping the counter he now leaned on where Silaya once was. Savio snapped to attention, trying to find words. It wasn't too much of a shocker, but the dots he was connecting were indeed connecting together.

"Now I know..." He finally said, fidgeting with his hands.

Savio took a glance at the clock. He would like to be at his real destination—Rashad's house—preferably on time. Or early. It wasn't clear how long tonight would be with the stuff Rashad has.

"I should get going, I just wanna be in and out." Savio pointed his thumbs at the door he was currently at. That was a white lie and he knew it.

"Wait, here..."

Liam looked back before he whipped out his hand with something between his fingers. He nudged what seemed like a cookie to Savio and raised his eyebrows. "Want a snack before you go?" He whispered with a smile. "Lemon blueberry frosted."

Savio snickered and took it quickly, but as quick as he did, Silaya had somehow already known what was happening. Savio took the chance to hastily say his goodbyes before rushing out the house while Liam got reprimanded for his sneaky actions.

"Liam! You big bubble booty bumping bunny bitch! Ooooo!"

Heading to his car, Savio thought to himself about what he was about to get himself into. He could of been overthinking, but he wasn't stupid either. He acts like a fool on the daily and purposely does shit to annoy certain people. Maybe Rashad just enjoyed that and wants to hang out...or the latter, smoke him out to death.

Savio hopped in his car and closed the door beside him. He put his face in his hands for a moment to think about it. "Dudeeee, shit add up and don't at the same time...maybe I should stop wearing pink and acting gay. Not that the two are correlated, but..."

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