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Everything happened so fast.

Alexis woke up the next day after Kate's birthday and Milla told her what she had done.  She died of shame and decided to go on vacation to LA to reorganize her thoughts.

Edward didn't speak to her before she left and when she got back, Milla found out she was 1 month pregnant.  It was the perfect cue for Alexis to decide once again to forget about Edward.

"You know that's not how it works, right? Deciding to forget about him."  Milla complained again.

"Milla, I don't want to...I won't get in the way.."

"Lexie, stop saying that!! There's nothing you can get in the way. We're not getting married, we're just having a baby."  She said with a twinkle in her eye.  Milla has looked quite different since she found out she was pregnant.  "And I'd love you to be my daughter's stepmother. Have you ever thought how cool would be the three of us taking care of Nina?" 

At 1 month pregnant it was impossible to know the baby's gender and Milla hadn't even shared her chosen name with Edward, but she felt it would be that way.

"No. It's okay."  Alexis sighed.  "It's been over a week since I got back, Kate's birthday is thankfully long gone. Edward hasn't asked me anything about that night and you're having a baby."

"Unlived love is soo dificult, Lexie."  Milla smiled.  "You'll always think about what could have been."

She let the thought popping in Alexis' head but she wasn't going to give in and claim that she was still in love with Edward.

Besides, he already knew that she felt something for him, if he wanted to live it with her, she wouldn't be the one to risk taking the first step.


Now, Milla was already 4 months pregnant, she said that her daughter would be a hot girl, as she had been made after a night of too much tequila in Mexico and Edward joked that he was scared to death of having to deal with a teenager like Milla.

He and Alexis had been friends during that time and he thought it best not to say anything that might make her uncomfortable, but the truth is, he hadn't stopped thinking about her since that night.

It started with him arriving home and thinking about how beautiful she looked dancing, then the question she asked him in the car and the way Milla didn't answer directly when he hinted that Alexis might be liking him.

A few days later, when he thought maybe he could talk to her, Alexis went away on a trip and he spent almost the entire month wondering what she was doing.

When Milla found out that she was pregnant, his world turned upside down and he stopped thinking about her for a while to think about his baby.

The fact is, every time she appeared, there was something that caught his attention.  From there he began to observe more and understand Alexis better, in addition to being very curious to know what she really felt for him.


October was almost over and Sam had created some training dynamics for the agents, the last one would be a paintball game and would take place at the end of the week.

"Aren't you going to let me join in?"  Milla huffed when she found Sam in the cafeteria.

"Milla, look at the size of your belly."  He laughed.  "Paintball is a dangerous game and it can hurt you."

"But I can still shoot."  she complained.

"But you can't take any shots."  Sam rolled his eyes.  "I promise that as soon as I can I'll create an office-only training session for us, okay? We can play Clue."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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