Chapter 2

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"No, you spoilt brat get out of my sight and go pack your bags Aria, you're leaving this house."

"Ugh your such a baby, get out of our sights"

"We hate you"

"Yeah, if you weren't born mom would've still been alive"

"you're a worthless whore"

"No wonder your family didn't want you, you're useless"


"You deserve everything bad that's ever happened to you and more"

"Why are you still alive"

"You were always such a slut"

"So I'll treat you like one"

"You killed my wife"

"It's all your fault"

"Look at you, you're so weak"

"Ri, Ri! wake up"
"You're ok, he's dead now"
"No one can hurt you anymore"

I snapped my eyes open, breathing heavily, I looked down to see Nix, his eyes filled with tears, he was hugging my abdomen and shaking my arm trying to wake me up from my nightmare.

It wasn't a nightmare, it was a memory stupid

Same thing, shut up

It's really not

Oh, fuck off

I shook my head and wiped off the tears on my face, I brought nix up to my chest and hugged him tightly.

"Are you ok?" He asked lifting his head from the crook of my neck
"I'm fine baby, just another nightmare don't worry."
"Not a nightmare, it was a memory"
"Same thing," I said with a small smile

I've been having them since my first foster family who abused me for entertainment

It got better when Ariel and Sam adopted me but after ariels death same became abusive too

I could've ran away from Sam's abuse years ago but I didn't for Pheonix's sake.

I was turning 18 soon, I had decided to take legal guardianship of Nix so we could run away in peace and not have to worry about anyone looking for us.

I also wanted to give Sam a painful slow death after. The plan was working out perfectly fine until yesterday when he died from ONLY fire.

Right- like how dare he die from just fire, couldn't he wait for 4 more months?

I took a look around to figure out where we were
we were still in an office inside of the police station.
Just then Officer Avery entered the office with an envelope in her hands, the usual cheery smile on her face,
"Hey sweethearts"

How tf is she happy, it's like 7 in the morning rn-

It's 2 pm right now, idiot.

"Morning" I grumbled keeping a blank face
Nix was now sitting beside me on the uncomfortable couch, my left hand on his shoulder as he gave a small wave to officer Avery.

"Good news or bad news?" She asked
"Good news," Nix said
"Alright, so the good news is we found both of your guy's families, we contacted them, and Aria, your family is taking you in." She said with a smile but there was pity in her eyes.
"They're waiting for you outside, come on let's go meet them"

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