Chapter 4

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Its been a few hours since Levi left, me and nix were currently on my bed watching Stranger things for the 100th time on my laptop when the ringing of my phone interrupted us.

Earning a groan from Nix when I paused the episode and looked at my phone, it was a FaceTime call from Noor.


I was walking back to my car after finishing a mission, killing a gang for the Russian mafia, when I heard muffled screams coming from the sketch ass alley a few blocks down

Being the nosey & curious bitch I am, I went inside the alley to see 6 men- no scratch that- 6 uneducated, disgustingly gross, junkies that looked like some wannabe gangsters surrounding a girl that looked around my age, 15.

One of them held a cloth to her mouth and nose as she slowly stopped struggling and lost consciousness.

Guessing he's the leader

All of them were too busy looking at the poor girl in front of them like a predator looking at their prey that they didn't even notice I was there.

The sight in front of me made me furious and I was ready to kill again.

I mean I just took down a 60 people gang a few minutes ago let's just add 6 more to it- no big deal

I revved the engine of my bike turning their attention to me, the one holding the girl quickly dropped her to the floor as they all proceeded to take out their guns from their pockets, clearly struggling-

Is this a fucking joke?! pathetic.

I reach to the waistband of my jeans, pulling out my already loaded gun with the silencer on, and without wasting any time, I shot 5 of them in between the eyes, all of them falling to the floor.

The leader finally managed to take his gun out and pointed it at me, shaking & looking scared

He looked like he was about to piss his pants

I'm telling you- this is so fucking pathetic.

I shot his arm making him drop his gun, I ran up to him and hit the side of his head with the back of my gun making him fall unconscious.

Putting my gun back in its place I went up to the girl and looked her over for any injuries, not finding any except a scratch from falling I picked her up and carried her to my car, I sat her down on the passenger seat and buckled her up.

Not wanting to get blood in my car I opened up my trunk and got a bodybag out, making sure to make some holes on it so he could breathe and doesn't die that easily, I went back to the unconscious soon-to-be-dead guy and put him in the body bag

And let me tell ya- it was a struggle. The fucker weighed like dead pigs.
Yes, it's plural.

I grabbed his legs and dragged him to my car then threw him in the trunk.

I got into the driving seat and looked over at the unconscious girl making sure she was ok, I drove off to my safe house.

It's been 2 hours since we reached
I carried the girl to one of the guest bedrooms and tied the guy up in my torture dungeon in the basement

I've been sitting down in the egg chair that was in the guest bedroom reading 'Shatter me' wanting to make sure she didn't panic when she woke up

I was in the middle of finishing a page when I heard unsteady breathing, I looked up to see the girl looking around the room and then at me with a scared and panicked look on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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