Chapter 12

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The minute Austin’s lips touched mine, I could no longer think

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The minute Austin’s lips touched mine, I could no longer think.

I could no longer focus on the fact that Ginger and Ken had orchestrated this or that they were even here.

All I could feel, smell and taste was Austin.

The air around me quickened as he slid his hand behind my head, instantly pulling me closer to him. He moved his lips against mine, slow and daring, as if he feared I’d disappear if he moved too fast.

I curved my arms around his back, sinking my hand in his soft, silky hair. And, gosh, it was just as I had imagined.

He groaned as I tugged, and his grip on my waist tightened as his fingers dug into my skin. It was then that I remembered our position, with him above me, and I tucked neatly under him.

And then it hit me.

Austin was kissing me. His lips were on mine, moving in a slow, soft caress, and his hand held me with a primal grip that made me feel like the only girl in the world. His breath was unleveled and rapid, and even through his jeans and mine, I could feel his evident excitement for me.

For me.

Was this what bliss felt like? Was this what it felt like to be adored and cherished? And maybe, just maybe, I was in over my head, but that’s what Austin did to me.

That’s what he did with just one kiss.

“Okay, you two, the game’s over,” I heard Ken say. And for a minute, I thought Austin would stop.

But oh, was I wrong.

He groaned—or more like growled before his lips moved faster against mine. I gasped for air, but there was nothing else I wanted than to kiss him more—to taste him more.

I’ve kissed boys before—two in total. But nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, could come close to how Austin made me feel.

“Nyla,” he mumbled against my lips before trailing soft, hot kisses across my cheek towards my neck. I gasped as my eyes flew open. I never expected to feel this … this … I didn’t even know what it was. But it was—in its own entirety—magnificent.

Then Ken whistled, and Austin pulled away. At first, his eyes were unsure, as if he thought he’d gone too far.

But hell, I wished he had gone further.

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, staring at me with those bright, brown eyes.

I managed a smile. “For what?”

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