The Story Behind It

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Hi again!

Yes, I know. I just love to talk, don't I?

Well, I just wanted to share a  quick story before I go (for good this time).

The story behind Nyla was completely fictional, but my decision to make her dyslexic wasn’t random.

I actually have dyslexia, and it has been so important to me. Why? Because I really wouldn’t have been here without it.

I know it's strange, like how can a learning disability bring me here?

Well, when I learnt the truth, I was actually relieved. Because it sort of explained why I was reading three levels behind my peers, and it gave me clarity, you know?

But I knew I had to somehow overcome it, or at the very least, own it. So, I did.

I used to despise reading; and I mean a very deep level of hate. But then I found Wattpad, and I realised I actually like stories.

Fast-forward a few years, and I wrote my very first book, and it was the best feeling of my life.

Like, how can a young woman with dyslexia be a writer? A writer!

Well, here I am.

And a lot of people still don’t believe I actually do have dyslexia, no matter how much I tell them about the doctors and tests and all the fancy stuff. Their take on it is: 'How can you be smart and have dyslexia?'

So yeah, that bit of Nyla's story wasn’t random either.

I was always a smart kid. I got good grades and I always topped the charts. This was why I was always so confused about my reading level, too. And so, when I learned the truth, I did everything in my power to overcome it.

I read books, books, books and I practiced reading out loud, although even now, I still stumble over my words sometimes when I read out loud and my eyes still do that twitchy/shifty thing that I really cant explain, and I still sometimes have trouble spelling. But I'm a lot better than I was when I was six, so, I take pride in that.

I did a lot of research on dyslexia in those years, too. I read testimonials of people who went through an even harder time with it than me. And all in all, I'm really grateful for where it has brought me.

Which is why I always own it and embrace it.

So, that's my story (in a nutshell).

I'm Anna, and I'm a dyslexic writer.

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