Pearl checks up on Grian

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~this takes place a few days after 'Grian is not having a good time'~

Grian was not feeling good, that much she could tell.

Pearl had just gotten word of what had happened in the chat and she was livid. Now one thing that Pearl knows about Grian is that he almost always wants to put the happiness of other hermits before his own, even if that means bottling his emotions up until he has reached peak mental breakdown.

Which is exactly why she was flying to his base in order to comfort him.

Now you may be asking 'why is Pearl going to check up on Grian instead of Mumbo or Keralis??? they were there for that conversation'. Well...

Pearl was the only person that Grian told about his life in high school and about what happened after the dragon fight, Grian trusted her and by the Goddess of Death herself was she going to protect the servers' pesky bird with her life.

She flew until the towering rock-Dwayne, as Grian called it-came into sight, surrounded by hand made floating rocks-as per usual. Pearl swooped down as fast as she could and landed perfectly at the last second. walking into the Greek-esk building she began to look for Grian.

As Pearl walked about she couldn't find her bird friend, so she opted to look through the other rocks surrounding the base to find...


"where is he?" Pearl groaned, she had been searching for a while and still couldn't find him! the only place she hadn't looked was The Entity, and that was back in the shopping district. "a five-minute flight," she mumbled, "not a long flight." so she jumped down from the portal islands and flew until the shopping district came into view.

Landing, Pearl noticed an opening at the bottom of her dear friends' shop. Jumping up, as it has no staircase up to it, she pulled herself inside.

The inside of The Entity shocked the builder, as it was designed to make the building seem almost...alive. walking about the inside of the shop, Pearl spotted something she hoped she would never see again.

Grian, the prankster and skilled builder-the living essence of the rising sun, was crying.

She ran up to the broken builder and noticed he was wearing headphones of their old friend and was clutching a piece of paper-not paper-a photograph.

Pearl saw that Grian had fallen asleep, so she picked him up and brought him out of the build-it mustn't have been a good place to rest.

After flying back to Dwayne, Pearl quickly placed Grian in a bed before taking the crumpled photo from his very twitchy hands. uncrumpling the photo from the back of it, of course, she sees it has some writing on the back saying 'see you soon Greeon! - S+T!'. turning over the photo she saw something that made her emotions go from grief to malice.

On that picture were three people, one being a younger version of Grian-who was wearing a singlet and red shorts down to his knees-as well as way too much spray on tan to be healthy.

The other person was wearing very short swim trunks and was wearing headphones identical to those being worn by her sleeping friend-this was Taurtis.

The third person was wearing only blue swim trunks and a rabbit hat that covered all but his face-this was Sam.

Pearl quickly put the photo into a random chest and left, she knew she had to help the avian later, but in order for her to do that both of the builders needed to rest.

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