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When Pepper woke the next morning she was honestly surprised that she couldn't smell fire. She rolled over and looked at the time seeing that it read 7:05am. she figured she may as well get breakfast started.

She made her way down to floors where all the Avengers gather for meals.

As she passed by the lounge room she couldn't help but take out her phone and take a couple pictures of the scene in front of her.

Steve was sprawled on the couch with a sleeping Tony curled on top of his chest, Steves strong arms wrapped securely around the small boys frame, face nuzzled into the crook of Steves neck, a light blue blanket draped over them.

Pepper continues into the kitchen and sets about making pancakes.

About 15 minutes later a dishevelled Steve Rogers enters the kitchen with a half asleep Tony in his arms rubbing sleep out of his eyes.

"Good morning Steve" "goodmorning miss Potts"

Steve sets Tony down on a stool at the island and makes himself some coffee and gets some milk for Tony.

Steve goes over to the stove and takes the two plates of pancakes that Pepper hands him, setting one down in front of Tony and sitting down with the other next to the boy.

At that moment Clint and Natasha come in, Clint takes his plate and sits down at the table while Natasha makes them both coffee, grabbing her plate and sitting beside Clint.

Finally Bruce enters, looking the most rested and alive out of the bunch. he makes himself some tea and takes the plate offered to him sitting across from Clint.

Pepper decides she's made enough pancakes and takes her plate and sits beside Bruce.

Everyone was chewing peacefully when they hear a clunk, they spin around to see Tony face down asleep in his pancakes.

"It looks like the rumour was true, Tony Stark was never a morning person" Clint declares in a shouted whisper.

Steve starts to sit him up and wipe the syrup off the young boys face, "I guess all the excitement yesterday really tired him out" he says as he picks him up and starts to walk smoothly back to his room.

Once there he pushes back the covers and positions the boy in a comfortable position on his back, then climbing in next to him he pulls the covers over them both and quickly falls asleep with plans to get up later.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2015 ⏰

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Pepper and Avengers Babysit Little Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now