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After Fury gets all of the Avengers back and into the meeting room, Tony's sciencebro was the one to ask where Tony was. Fury says, "I guess it's better if we show you."

They all get up and follow Pepper and Fury down a hallway where they hear in the distance, "I am not eating this!! You are trying to poison me!! This is nasty!! I want PIZZA!! IF YOU DONT GET ME MY DELICIOUS PIZZA IM-" then they heard another voice cut off the young voice by saying "-yeah yeah we know, your gonna call your dad and have him fire us, or hire an assassin, or lock us up, or send a missile to our house, or the best one yet!! Make it so we never existed. so what one was it?" They then hear the little voice again, "actually I was gonna call him and tell him to make you guys get me pizza." he says in the most innocent voice.

At this the whole group stops walking and they all, but Fury, doubles over laughing like maniacs. When they're done laughing they turn the corner into the room.

In this room the bed doesn't look like a bed anymore, blankets are all over the floor a desk is tipped over, microchips are everywhere from a taken apart computer in the corner, there's a food tray with no food on it, the food is all over the walls and the agents who were trying to feed him faces, and Tony is standing right in the middle of the mess with the cutest little puppy eyes he could muster, without laughing at their expressions.

Tony stops doing the puppy eyes as soon as he sees, his hero, captain America-Steve Rogers.

His jaw drops and he runs over to Steve and throws his little arms around his legs in a great big bear hug, Steve is taken aback from this but soon recovers, and picks up the little boy.

Steve notices the little light coming from under the boys shirt and looks at Fury. Fury motions to them with his hand to follow him.

They are all back in the meeting room Thor standing behind Fury, Steve sitting beside Fury with Tony on his lap staring at him, Pepper sitting beside Steve, then Clintasha at the other side of the table, along with Bruce.

Steve asks the little boy what his name is, the 'little boy' replies, "Tony, Tony Stark." Steves reaction is a dropped jaw along with everyone else in the room except Fury and Pepper.
After everyone finds out the news Tony is the first one to break the silence, " can you please sign my cards, I have the whole entire pack of your cards, can I take a picture with you, your my hero please please." Steve first can't form words until he gets elbowed in the ribs by Pepper, he says, " s-s-sure y-yeah."
They all agree to watch Tony, except Thor who claims, "I AM A GOD, I WAS NOT MADE TO BABYSIT!!" And he flew off.

Now they were all loading on to the aircraft, everyone, after hearing and seeing all he's done, was dreading this ride for a couple of reasons; they're are computers everywhere, he's Tony Stark, it's a giant air craft, he's Tony Stark, he doesn't listen at all except to Steve, he's Tony Stark.

Pepper and Avengers Babysit Little Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now