Twenty Facts About Me

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First of all thx to mrs Downey for nominating me ur amazing

First: I'm obsessed with Robert Downey Jr because he is adorable and sexy as fuk and I just luv him so so so much he is my fav actor in the world

Second: my fav colours are blue and purple

Third: I am also obsessed with the avengers, my favourite avengers from most to least are; iron man/Tony Stark (of course - who seen that coming) next, captain America/Steve Rogers,
Thor/Thor, then Hulk/Bruce Banner, Hawkeye/Clint Barton, and Black Widow/Natasha Romanov all tie for fourth cuz I don't have s least favourite

I think that one ^^ counted as two soo.....

Fifth: I play 3 sports including; hockey, baseball and basketball. well I guess I do 4 sports if u count martial arts

Sixth: my fav hockey team is the Pittsburgh Penguins

Seventh: my fav hockey players in line is Sidney Crosby (cuz who doesn't luv him right) then Malkin next is Fleury

Eighth: ummmm.... oh I know! I luv wolves like aside from the avengers, RDJ and Penguins posters I have wolf posters in my room

Ninth: I have posters in my room (hey! Don't judge I was running out of ideas!)

Tenth: my fav shows (not in order cuz I don't have any order) are Bones, Teen Wolf, Marvel agents of Shield, and Avatar the last airbender

Eleventh: I luv Justin Bieber, not more than RDJ but I still luv him so much but RDJ is still my most loved celeb

12th: (I'm gonna stop writing the word cuz I'm too lazy for that - sry it's the truth) I read the hunger games before any of the movies so I luv the hunger games

13th: I luv art, I luv to draw and paint. not saying I'm good but I do like it, a lot

14th: I have two cats, a boy Boo-boo and a girl Sammy, two dogs, girl Kira and boy Nico (although I hope to get a dog one day and call him stony and a cat named pepperony) I have a lot of fish, two gineepigs (sry I can't spell) and a bird named Pilot

15th: my two fav ships from the avengers are Stony featuring Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, and Pepperony featuring Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, and Thane featuring Thor and Jane.

16th: my fav celeb ship EVER!!! Is team Downey featuring Robert, Downey, Jr!!! And his wife Susan Downey! One of their fav quotes is "romancing the producer"

17th: one of my fav stories on Wattpad is how to save a life, I seriously strongly recommend this to any one who luvs or likes or hell doesn't even know who RDJ is (u ppl need to do some serious googling, sry but it's the truth, and I speak the truth)

18th: ummmm I'm seriously almost out of interesting facts cuz I'm not an interesting person, I'm just weird..... um I play th guitar? Does that count as interesting? I dunno but I don't care!

19th: I know how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube under 37 seconds and a 4x4 Rubik's cube under 1 minute and 49 seconds (I know I'm odd)

20th: I collect cool sneakers and hats and hockey valuables (I don't think this is interesting but seriously I don't think any of what I do or think is what u would call 'interesting'

21th or would it be 21st? Oh well u get the idea, I decided I owed u another one cuz of the boring poster one so here goes nuthin. 21st: i like twilight?

So there u have it!! interesting - but actually boring facts about Kim Downey (yes I realize that's not my last name YET!! But shhhhh.....don't let them hear u. anyway quote time!! "So if I were to wrap this up tight with a bow or whatever...." I would say ..........bye? I know I'm not very good at endings but I don't care it's 5 o'clock somewhere!! Country song reference, if u don't understand then don't even try. anyway goodbye

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