The 'Trip'

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Since Natasha and Pepper were left to pack bags for everyone they decided that it would be fair to leave Tony with the boys while they were off taking care of last minute things (really just stalling)

When they returned to the jet Clint was in the cockpit pushing buttons, Bruce and Steve were chasing Tony all around the back of the jet saying things like, "don't you want to be a soldier, soldiers listen to orders." and "be a good boy and I'll let you play with this phone." and "For the love of God just stop running!" Pepper and Natasha just stood there shocked and surprised at how one little task can so easily turn out like this.

Natasha sneaked up to where Clint was sitting and told him to pull out his gun, when he does she takes it and aims it at Tony.

He doesn't see it at first but when he does he stops dead in his tracks and slowly backs up behind Steves legs, whispering on the way, " Do something Stevie she's gonna kill me."

Steve turns around and picks him up and asks Tony, "I'll only help you if you promise to sit in your seat and be a good boy." Tony quickly nodded his head in a yes and whispered back very slowly, "....ok....I.............I promise, ok I promise."

Steve nodded satisfied and helped him in his seat, making sure that there was literally nothing that ran on electricity anywhere in the boys reach. He buckled him in and sat down in the seat next to him.

Natasha went back to the cockpit with Clint, Bruce sat down across from Tony and Steve, and Pepper sat down on the other side of Tony. Once they were all buckled in Clint took off.

They were literally flying for 12 minutes when Tony screeched, "I gotta pee!!!" Nobody looked up, so he yelled again a little louder, "I really really gotta pee!!"

All of a sudden an empty plastic bottle hit his lap. Tony looked down at it confused, and then towards the thrower Natasha. He then asked, "And what is this supposed to be for?" Natasha answered smoothly, "to pee in, I thought you had to go 'really really' bad."

Nobody said anything for a couple seconds and Tony just blinked the said, "I'm Anthony Edward Stark, if you think for even a second that I will be touching that you're even crazier than birdbrain up there, and that's saying something." This time Clint spoke up, "I'm sorry your majesty but when most people really have to pee they can go anywhere." Tony replied cooly, "well I'm not most people, I'm Tony Stark, and when Tony Stark has to pee, he goes wherever is the most comfortable for him at the time." Bruce replied, "well I'm sure that holding in your pee must be really comfortable."

Tony, without saying a word then jumped out of his seat and ran to a Stark phone that was lying on a table, he pressed some buttons before anyone could do anything and before they knew it the voice on the PA was saying, SYSTEM HACKED! SYSTEM HACKED!" Then it stopped and said "welcome mr Stark." and went quiet again.

Tony had a smug grin on his face when the plane started to descend. By this time Steve was picking him up and slinging him over his shoulders.

Clint now had no choice but to land and he thought that Tony planned this because he landed at a deserted runway that was once S.H.I.E.L.D.'s and also was only a little ways from a stop & go

Before they entered the stop&go a Pepper had made sure to give Tony a big lecture about being good, he just rolled his adorable brown eyes and ran off tugging on Bruce's hand encouraging him to go faster. When they approached the bathrooms Bruce said that he'll take him in the men's.

Pepper decided that before they left again, because Tony was mostly good in the jet that they could get some lunch, she knew that she would probably regret this.

They decided that it would be best to stop at the Pizza Hut instead of listen to Tony whine.

When they all sat down Tony immediately dug into his slice, he was done first and then was quite bored waiting for all of them to finish.

While waiting he constructed a slingshot out of a strip of his plain black shirt and some straws, he aimed first at Natasha and hit her on her neck then quickly hid the contraption under the table, making it look like he was innocent. Although Natasha new he did it she decided it would probably be best for her image if she didn't strangle the 5 year old adorable little boy in front of all of the witnesses.

Next he decided it was 'birdbrains' turn. this time he was more adjusted to his slingshot and managed to hit Clint right in the middle of the eyes, making him spit out the water he was currently drinking.

Clint being Clint didn't stop to think like Natasha did and shot up from his chair, gathering a lot of attention as he awkwardly sat back down and glared at Tony.

Pepper stood up slowly and ushered them to hurry before people realized who they actually were.

On the walk back to the jet Tony was getting really tired and turned to Steve with his arms out stretched signalling that he wanted to be picked up. As Steve picked him up, Tony yawned and wrapped his little arms around Steves neck.

When they arrived Steve carefully set a sleeping 5 year old Tony Stark in his seat and did him up. Everyone sat down and Clint took off.

Surprisingly Tony slept right through the flight, well most of it. He woke up and Pepper started up The Lion King for him to watch, although while watching he somehow managed to get a laptop, Pepper let him continue using it as long as she could monitor what he was doing.

When they were approaching Stark Tower Tony's eyes widened at the giant Stark on the tower. all he asked was, "wow, when did Howard build this?" "Howard?" Steve asked. "ya Howard, Howard Stark...." Tony answered. "Isn't he your dad?" Steve asked. "Well technically yes, but Obie is more of my dad then him. where is Obie? I mean I get that Howard is working like always but I thought Obie would of been here by now." Pepper had to think fast to answer the question without setting him off, what was she supposed to tell him? Oh ya Tony, your mom and dad are dead and so is one of your closest friends, who by the way tried to kill you? Fortunately for her they were landed and Clint was giving instructions to Natasha who might or might not have used a swear word starting with f. But Tony piped up right away by saying, "Hey watch your mouth!" Natasha ignored him and stepped off the jet.

It was already dark out so they decided to go to bed. Clint then pointed out to pepper, "does Tony have any pyjamas?" Pepper responded, "for an adult or for a 5 year old?" "A kid" "no, but we'll get him some clothes tomorrow." "with what money, Fury didn't give us any." "Clint, Tony is a billionaire I think we got it covered." "HaHa" Clint replied sarcastically.

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