The Wild North

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A letter way sent to the north on the arrival of King Aegon Targaryen 7th coming to the north. Reason unknown. He bought it his court with him.

During the ride to the north Aegon was able to see every town and city, to know how things are coming along. When arriving into the north, the northerns were not happy to see a southern king again. The north has been free for a long time and in the back of the minds the north was afraid that it would be taking again from them.

King Eddard Stark II with his wife along with their children had to greet Aegon and his court. It was a strange situation for all. Aegon scanned the Starks, his eyes stopped on the last child of King Eddard. Princess Annora. In the first time Aegon's heart changed a beat when he saw her. Getting off of his horse to greet the king and queen of the north. The oldest daughters of the king were showing to much attention to Aegon.

Coming to a stop in front of Annora, Aegon smiled at her. She was stunning to his eyes. That was what he was missing. Princess Annora Stark will be the next Queen of the six kingdoms. Aegon made that announcement during the feast inside the castle of winterfell. It shocked everyone, many were not happy about that. People were not pleased about that, but no one could nothing about it. Annora's older sisters were pissed that Aegon choose Annora and not them.

Since the announcement was made during the feast, Aegon would be taking Annora with him. Where they would go back to king's landing, marry inside the throne room. Aegon agreed that Annora could take one handmaiden with her on the journey. Annora did not want to leave home but she had no choice in the matter.

The north is all she knows, she was happy in the north. But Aegon will make her happy in the capital he just worried how his wives would take it. Saying goodbye to her family and friends she entered into the carriage for her and her handmaiden. Annora had tears in her eyes. It hurt to say goodbye and she wondered if she will see her family again. And the thoughts about became the next Queen.

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