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"Breaking news! We are currently following the attack that is happening on Park Avenue directly in front of the NYPD. The authorities have not yet confirmed the identity of the perpetrator but we can assume, based on their appearance that they are an enhanced individual, some kind of grey monster. The officers are seemingly retreating into the precinct. As of now, we cannot confirm whether there are victims or not.

We now have a visual on the action. It seems like the criminal is holding a car above his head, as the officers seek shelter. He has now thrown the projectile which has been stopped midway through its race in the air by a green individual. Could it be the Hulk?

The two individuals are engaging in hand-to-hand combat. The green one has just been thrown on the sidewalk and the grey monster prepares to give him another punch. What's happening? The monster has been thrown on the ground by a beam of energy, coming from ... Iron man?
Next to him is a man holding a shield and another one with some lightning bolts around him. Are there new Avengers?"

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