[28.1] Burnt Sugar

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The capital of Samodevia was not a city. Built on high ground in a sprawling maze of tall walls and fearsome fortifications, the settlement functioned as a military compound and the seat of power for the Queen's Court. Its residents were soldiers without exception.

There had once been talk of opening the capital to civilians, Kayla recalled. Families of serving soldiers were to be granted full residency. Temporary entry permits were established for merchants. The goal was a more balanced settlement, a place people could call home.

The plan fell apart as tensions with the Dvor mounted. Even had they not, Kayla did not have much faith in the capital's ability to shed its military identity for something warmer.

The capital lacked an internal market. The Queen's Court provided necessities, but all else had to be acquired outside. Nearby towns profited greatly from the Amith Capil's patronage. Once a month, traveling merchants would set up an informal market along the capital's outer walls. The lively atmosphere always drew a lot of attention, especially from younger recruits.

The Amith Capil oversaw the lunar market. Ensuring the safety of both the merchants and their clients was a point of honor, given the bazaar took place at the capital's doorsteps. Not to mention the embarrassment of having soldiers cheated or robbed.

Kayla watched a craftsman shape a dragon out of melted sugar. The creature's body coiled around the wooden stick, its wings and horns and even the slits in its eyes carved by the man's deft fingers as the sugar cooled. A group of children huddled around the man's stall, ooh-ing and aww-ing in delight.

Kayla paused her steps. One of the children in the group was decidedly larger than the rest.

Rin turned around, perhaps feeling Kayla's gaze. The girl's smiling face brightened further. Kayla wondered if it was too late to feign blindness and escape in the opposite direction.

"Mrs. Starr!" the girl called, already on her feet and advancing fast.

Kayla paused her steady retreat. She waited for Rin to reach her, then patiently waited some more as Rin caught her breath, face flushed from sprinting clear across the market.

Perhaps Kayla had been more obvious in her intent to flee than she had thought.

"Miss Starr, are you also visiting the market?" the girl asked when she stopped gulping in air like a landed fish.

"I am on patrol," Kayla said.

Rin nodded. She looked over Kayla's shoulder expectantly, then glanced around, brows furrowing.

"What is it?" Kayla asked, bemused.

"Hm? Oh, nothing! Could I – if it's not too much trouble, could I maybe accompany you?" the girl fumbled.

Kayla raised a brow. "I am perfectly fine on my own," she said.

"Of course! I didn't mean to imply anything else! It's just, I'm also on my own, and it would be very nice to have company..."

Rin's voice got smaller and smaller as she talked, until she fell silent and simply squirmed in place. Nonetheless, she did not leave, and even dared to dart beseeching looks at Kayla every now and then.

"It will not be a leisure outing," Kayla said.

Rin grinned, correctly interpreting her words as acquiescence. "Of course! I promise I won't slow you down!"

Kayla shook her head at the girl's excitement, concealing a smile of her own.

Patrolling the market was a voluntary duty. Most soldiers signed up in pairs, and spent much of their patrols simply strolling and enjoying the sights. After all, not many dared to act out in the presence of so many armed men and women.

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