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this night - Radmuseum

Over a week had passed since I met Namjoon and I had not seen him since.

The truth is that between studies and a part time job, I didn't have much time to go out, and nor did I have namjoon's phone number. Smart move of us to not exchange it before parting our ways the next moring of our improvised sleepover.

When it finally reached friday night, I decided I had enough of sitting inside, drowned in school works and books. So going out for fresh air was the plan for the night and the park down the street looked like the perfect place to do so.

Stopping at a coffee shop, only taking a hot chocolate to go. The night wasn't as warm as it was a couple of days ago and a warm drink was a great solution to keep my hands and tummy warm.

Reaching the park, I directly went to his usual spot, the swings. And as every nights, the park was mostly empty, letting me have a perfect opportunity to have the swings all to himself.

Crickets, frogs and the sounds of distant cars could be heard. The squeaking sound of the swings under my weight as I sat. The rustling of the trees as a soft breeze would blow time to time, making the night colder. And if you listened very well, you could here the whipped cream of the hot chocolate melting.

It was relaxing.

Not drowning myself in my endless playlist to block out my thought.

Just to listen to the moment. Taking a deep breath

In and out.

"hey tiny"

I quickly looked up to see Namjoon standing a couple of feet away, his dimples showing as he smiled soflty. Same as when I met him, the warm glow from the lamp made him seem incredibly warm and handsome. Almost unreal.

"Hey" I replied, smiling back before taking a sip of my hot chocolate.

"How you doing?" Namjoon sat on the swing next to me.

"Better than last time" I awkwardly laughed, "what about you?"

"Doin' fine, wondered if I would ever see you again"

We sat in silence, I sipped on my hot chocolate and I was nearing the end of it, when Namjoon suddenly got up.

"Let's go take a walk, shall we?" A reassuring smile on his face made me want to follow him to the end of the world dispite barely knowing him. I got up, threw my empty cup in a near by trash can and followed him around through the park.

I noticed a difference between us,

Namjoon, would look up, looking at the bright stars, the trees, tall and distant buildings, as I, would look down at my shoes, admiring the wildflowers on the side of the walk.

"Are you hungry? I'd be up for a midnight snack" He asked.

"What is up with you asking me out mmh?" I teased, "Sure, let's go. This time I'm paying."

I let him lead the way, and I soon could see a Korean fried chicken fast food infront of me. And damn was I happy. I was craving fried chicken, and some how I think Namjoon can read mind. oh no. Does that mean he knows I think he's hot?

"What you gonna take tiny?" Namjoon spoke up, making me stop my staring contest with the back of the few customers heads to instead look up at the digital menu.

"Mmh.. The fried chicken lunchbox!"

The guy behind the counter typed our order and annouced the final price, I got out my wallet to pay but once again, Namjoon beat me to it, he had already swapped his card.

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