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dream - Colde

Namjoon was a little reluctant to let me leave before dinner, especially with my skateboard.

I wanted to hang out with my friends and he didn't really like the idea of having something similar like last time happening. I reassured him, that yes, I would eat and that yes, I'd stay out of trouble.

He finally let me go after I promised to not come back too late and to text him through out the night.

I texted the group chat, that Dabin made when he was on his last straw having to relay my messages to the others all the time, to tell them I was on my way.

(m/n): omw who's gonna be there?

dabinci: im almost there!

imagoodChristian: sorry guys can't make it

jimmy: omw too

dabincy: im there?

imagoodChristian: you dont know if youre there?

(m/n): i think i see you? do something weird

dabincy: Im jumping rn do you c me?

As I got closer I could see Dabin jumping in the middle of the park, he looked so dumb. A group of middle aged women shook their heads as they passed by, muthering for themselves. I snickered when he finally stopped bouncing in place.

"don't laugh at me it was hella embarrasing already dont need you adding to it"

He's so dramatic for nothing. I decided to change topics, asking if we should wait for jimmy here. We decided on waiting as leaving would be a little mean.

When he finally got there he excused himself for being late."sorry im late my mom doesn't want to give me back my skate after last time"

"ah my hyung almost didn't want to let me leave" I chuckled slightly.

We walked around, well Jimmy did as me and his cousin both had our board. We were silent and it gave me time to think about the whole situation with Namjoon. Well not really with him, more the chew toys thingy. I wasn't uncomfy just kinda embarrassed at the idea of chewing on something. After making dinner last night, Namjoon and I didn't really talk about it anymore.

I wasn't sure what I found embarrasing in chewings. A lot of people need to chew things, it being for concentration or just because they liked to. I didn't really even know why I felt the need to chew. Most of times I had this feeling at the back of my mouh that just screamed for me to just put something in there to sooth it and other times I just didn't even think about it and I ended with chewed shirts and pen caps.

I was called out by Jimmy who asked if we should go to the arcade as a new game machine apparently got installed earlier this month. Video games could be a good distraction so I agreed. In the back of my head I could hear Jin telling me to face the problem as soon as possible, "better sooner than later" he had said. But what was the problem exaclty?

"(m/n), We can see something is bothering you, you're all silent-" Dabin started as he opened the arcade door but Jimmy cut him off before he could finish

"-and you look like there's a rain cloud hanging above your head"

"yeah that too"

Now that they mentionned it, it made me realize that most of the time I hang out with them when I am feeling down and it made me feel kinda bad. Seeing my hesitation to tell them, "How about we play couples of games and if you feel better you can tell us about it?" Jimmy proposed, Dabin nodded agreeing with him.

I smiled gratefully. "sure"


"So, he bought you chew toys?"

I groan, it had been the 4th time I had to repeat that,

"For the last time binnie, Yes he did"

I started to get embarrassed and unsure of myself, should I really have told them? After we had went around we finally settled down to eat after my constant nagging of how much I was starving.

"I think it's sweet of him?" Jimmy said, shrugging off a little the embarassement I felt, having baby objects bought for me, a 19 years old. "One of my friend have some too, and other fidget things not sure what it's called"

"I don't know how to feel about it" I ate one of my fries, I had lately been craving fries and finally having the opportunity to eat some was just too good to pass on.

"I think you are overthinking it, god this sounds rude" Jimmy chuckled slightly before continuing, "I'm just saying that maybe you are thinking too much about and that's why it seems bigger than what it is"

I smiled. He's right after all who cared if I needed teethers? At least I was not doing drugs or killing people right?

"Alright now that this is sorted out, can we go walk around?"

Maybe thirty minutes later we were back at the skatepark, it was basically our spot now. Not that I was one to claim places but no one but us ever went there. I listened to Dabin ramble about this new thing he saw and he insisted on showing us.

"Okay yall, watch this" whatever he was trying to do didn't work for a while and he kept falling pretty hard.

He was trying to do an ollie up the stairs.

There's a ramp in the middle of those stairs.

But Dabin didn't go high enough and his nose kept getting stuck before the last step.

He was starting to get a little frustrated.

"Wait dabin-"

His head hit the rail pretty hard there.

"Ow shit, my wrist hurt?"

"You okay dude?" Jimmy went over.

His wrist did look bad. He had locked it when he fell to catch himself.

"What about your head? You're okay?"

He nodded, his face was kinda pale, adrenaline was probably still rushing through him, numbing the pain.

"Guys I think we should go to the hospital?" I was worried. What if he wasn't okay at all. He did fall pretty hard on his head too.

"Yeah let's do that" Jimmy agreed and helped his cousin get back up.

"I'm fine guys no need"

"It's just to check up, nothing to worry about"


Jimmy and I were waiting in the waiting room as Dabin was getting checked up.

"Good thing we came to the hospital"

I nodded. It was getting late and I was getting sleepy. I looked at the clock on the wall. 23h45. Oh.

Namjoon. Oh no.

I took out my phone. Dead. Oh no. He's going to kill me.

"Can I borrow your phone, mine's dead"

He handed me his phone and I dialed Joon's number. One ring, two ring.



"(m/n)? Where on this goddamn earth are you? It's almost midnight for god sakes"

Well he didn't sound really happy.

"I'm sorry joonie, uh I'm at the hospital right now.."

"You're what?! Are you okay?"

"Don't worry hyung. It's not me but my friend, I'm fine"

"I'm coming, send me your location"

He hung up and I gave Jimmy's phone back.

He's going to kill me.

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