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a song nobody knows - Colde

"Jin hyung?"

"Oh hey Namjoonie! How you doing?"

I sat next to Namjoon as he spoke to his therapist friend over the phone, he had put it on speaker, telling me that if I wanted to speak up, I could whenever I wanted too.

Namjoon had stayed over the night and we, after convinving me, decided to make the call now instead of later. I guess it was better to be done with it.

"I'm doing great, thanks, what about you?"

"I'm doing as amazing as I could, what do I due the honor of your call?"

This Jin person sounded very cheerful.

"Can I ask you a favor hyung?"

"Always, what do you need?"

My heart was beating fast, and the tip of my ears burned. I was anxious, and the worst is that I wasn't sure what was making me this anxious. This was new to me.

I let my head fall into Namjoon's shoulder, hiding myself away from whatever I would be hearing next. Namjoon hand's carresed my back, as a way to let me know he was there for me.

"I have a friend that would need sessions with you, would you be okay to take him in?"

I was getting more nervous.

"Yeah of course! When do we arrange that?" He marked a pause and I could hear pages flipping, "I am free this afternoon, would that be fine?"

Namjoon looked at me, 'i don't wanna go' I mouthed to him.

He sighed, "Yeah, we will be there"

I looked at him.

"Alright what's his name so I can schedule him in?"

Namjoon turned toward me, "Do you wanna tell Jin hyung your name tiny?"

"(m/n)" I mumbled, I still had not looked up from Namjoon shoulder.

Jin chuckled from the other end of the phone, "Hi (m/n)"

I hummed back, not feeling super verbal.

"alright. I think we're set up! I will see you both around 1 this afternoon, sound good?"

"Yes, thank you so much hyung! You're the best!"

Namjoon hung up and turned toward me. He hugged me close, the comfort was great.

"I know that it's scary and you don't know what to expect, but I promise it's not gonna hurt you."


Jin's workplace wasn't like in the movies would portray a therapist's office. I mean it wasn't one where there is a large couch were I would cry my struggles while he sat nearby in some fancy armchair, never interrupting my long sorrow monologue.

On the contrary, the room was warm and invitating. There was indeed a loveseat and a armchair, but there were many squishy plushies, blankets, fidget toys. The walls, that were a soft pink was comforting me in some ways. I had anticipated some gray, non colorfull room that breathed depression, regrets, misery and despair.

Namjoon guided me to the two person couch, his hand never leaving the small of my back as we sat down, giving me the opportunity to press closer to him. I had insisted for him to be there the whole time.

"Alright, let's start with the start" Jin sat down in his pink armchair "My name is Kim Seokjin but call me Jin if you prefer."

I fiddled with the hem of my shirt still nodding.

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