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okinawa - 92914

Dabin had ended up with a fractured wrist
and a concussion. And for me I got a good scolding of Joon.

I could say goodbye to my skateboard for a while.

I almost fell asleep in the car on the way back but we got home before I could. I was exhausted. My library "nap" didn't do anything to help me and my eyes were heavy and burning from tiredness.

Namjoon put his hand on the small of my back to guide me up the stairs. I wasn't registering much what was happening.

"I know you're tired but you need to eat before going to sleep"

Tired? I was exhausted.

"Don't want your tummy to cramp up"

I wasn't really listening but I shook my head. His voice was so soothing though I think I could sleep just listening to him.

I heard the microwave go off. I opened my eyes a little. I was in the kitchen, sat at the counter now. How did I even get here? I don't know.

Namjoon put a bowl of I don't know what but it smelled great.

"Eat up" He sounds warm.

I toyed around with the spoon, taking small bites every once in a while. Chewing was hard right now. I'm too tired for it.

His hands traced circle on my back and he placed kisses in my hair. My mind went fuzzy and I felt good. Probably because of how much I'm close to sleeping right now. I turned around in my chair and snuggled in Joon's arm, completely disregarding my food.

"You need to eat more bun"

I shook my head in his neck with a whine. Why can't I just go to bed already?

"One bite? Can you do that for me?"

Just one right? That's nothing. I can do that.

I felt the tip of the spoon at my bottom lips, I opened my mouth and I swallowed the last bite.

"Good job bun" another kiss was placed on my head. "You just have to brush your teeth and we can go sleep after."

I didn't answer, I don't feel verbal at all right now.

His hands sneaked under my thighs and I was lifted up. The slow movement as we headed toward the bathroom lulled me closer to sleep.

I was placed on the closed toilet lid and I heard some rustling, water running, "open your mouth tiny," I could make out my toothbrush sitting on my tongue, "can you brush your teeth or do you want hyung to do it?"

"youh" it came out weird as I spoke around the toothbrush or maybe because I slurred my words with exhaustion.

"My baby's so sleepy, he needs so much help doesn't he?"

He spoke with so much care in his voice and I couldn't help but smile shyly at his words. My face heating up.

Namjoon brushed his own teeth before we went to his bedroom.

He pushed the door open with his foot, the air being more warm in his room, "I know I said we only needed to brush your teeth but we will also need to put on jammies"

I huffed out, just one last thing. I can do that.

"Are you okay with hyung doing it?"

"Uh-huh" I really just don't care until I get to sleep.

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